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Noon classes are already done, every students are now on their way out of the school to go home or anywhere they want.

Telling you're friends that you need to go somewhere they leave the School first.

While Chaewon and her friends are on their way out of the school, Chaewon received a message and when she take a look who is it, it was you so she opened the message quickly.


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fter reading, she tap Yuri's shoulder, Yuri look at her direction.

" Why ? " Yuri asked her.

" You guys go home first I need to go somewhere " Chaewon reasoned out, ofcourse she can't just say that she's going to meet you.

Yuri look at her in confusion and just nod.

" See you tomorrow then " She said before following their other friends who already walked without knowing that Yuri and Chaewon was left behind.

Deciding to wait for you, Chaewon keep looking around to see if you're coming.

She's now standing outside the school's gate, and the population of the students inside the school started to get lessen.

Feeling a tap on her shoulder Chaewon look at her back seeing you together with your school bag.

" You're slow " Chaewon whined at you and you chuckled.

" Wanna walk around ? " You asked her.

Chaewon look at you before checking the time.

It's still early so she thought that maybe it's a good idea but remembering the assignments that were given, even though it's just the first day of the school makes her think twice if she should join you or not.

" I can't, I need to do the assignments " Chaewon answered, you hummed.

" How about I'll help you with our assignments ? once we're done walking around ? " You asked her giving her a more better reason to come with you.

Well today is a very special day for you and you just want Chaewon to come with you.

Chaewon started to think, it was a good offer since she wasn't able to listen at all the discussions the whole day, she's to distracted by your appearance.

" We won't stay long outside " You continued, she look at you.

Seeing how desperate you are, Chaewon decided to agreed making you smiled, grabbing her hand you pull her, dragging her out of the school without waiting for her answer.

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