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Waking up by the loud sound of your phone, you groaned.

Today is Saturday, it will be a rest and free day.

Doing all the subjects that you missed will practicing and getting ready for the archery competition, that your team wins.

It was a hella day for you yesterday and the past days, your body are glued on the chair and your eyes are fixed on the notebooks and books.

The activities are too much that Chaewon decided to help you which you're glad of.

After what happened to the gymnasium, you found out that Yuri liked you and that's because Chaewon told you about it.

You were shocked didn't expect her to earn feelings at you and you're glad you still stay connected with each other as best friends this time.

Chaewon already take you out on the date thingy, it was really fun, chaotic and memorable and the bet thing that happened when you played baseball.

You find out Chaewon have the same wish and That's to take her out on a date, which already happened.

Hyewon and Chaewon already talk about their relationship with each other, at first when you told Chaewon that she should talk to Hyewon about it, she didn't want to agreed.

But since you're annoying than she thought, she ended up agreeing, and they ended up their conversation in a good way that day.

Letting out a groan you decided to grab your phone beside you and answer the call.

finally you pick it up

Familiarizing the voice, you smile.

It was none other than Kim Chaewon.

Hearing no response on the other line Chaewon decided to talk again, ofcourse she knows you're probably sleeping by now.

It's already 9:11 in the evening.

Hello ? you there ?





As she keep repeating calling your name she still didn't received any response from you, you're too lazy to talk, though you're just really teasing her.

wake up and answer me or im sulking

Hearing what she said you open your eyes quickly as a smile formed on your lips.

You and Chaewon gotten more closer and clingy to each other, as if both of you are already together.

fine, Im awake

what's with the call ?

chaewon ?

Chaewon chuckled, she missed hearing your voice.

Nothing, I just miss you

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