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Talking about your plan for tomorrow, you're now outside of their house since Chaewon told you that her Mom will arrived at any time.

" Are you free tomorrow morning ? " You heard Chaewon asked you, who just left their house and joined you outside.

You look at her before giving her a teasing smile,  she look at you with confusion thinking why the hell are you giving her that smile.

" Are you asking your ex on a date ? " You asked while grinning.

Chaewon scoffed before attempting to grab a snow and throw it to you but before she could, you already move away from her.

" Kidding " You said as she drop the snow on her hand, facing you.

" So are you free or not ? " Chaewon asked you again, putting your right palm on your chin pretending that you're thinking.

" If it's a date then Im free " You answered teasing her again.

A sigh escaped on Chaewon's mouth making you chuckled. Chaewon already have enough of your teasing that it just makes her sigh.

Seeing her reaction you smile and decided to talk again.

" I can't " You answered honestly this time.

Chaewon look at your direction, thinking that finally you answered her question but your answer makes her think why.

" Why ? "

You look at her before shaking your head.

" School, I need to pass some requirements tomorrow morning since School year will start next week " You answered and Chaewon nod at you.

Actually even her need to pass some requirements at the school that she's going to study this year, thinking what School where you're going to study she decided to ask you.

" What school ? " She asked.

" Hanlim, why ? " You answered making Chaewon to look at your direction she can't believe that you're going on a same school with her.

" Nothing, we're going on the same school " Chaewon said making you to look at her with a smile.

" Really ? you're going to study in Hanlim ? " You asked her thinking if you heard it right.

Chaewon nod at you with a smile.

It's a relief that she knows someone who's going to study with the same school as hers, she haven't enter that school before, her friends keep asking her to study at that school since her girlfriend also studied in there.

But that was a long time ago.

" Yeah " She answered making you hummed.

" What grade ? "

" 12, you ? " She said asking you back.

But noticing your reaction she look at you with confusion.

" 12 ? I thought you're older and younger than me ? " You asked her because that's what you think all along even after meeting her for the first time.

Chaewon scoffed and look at you, well she don't know why but she felt offended at your question.

" Yah! how about you what grade are you ? " She asked you back.

You smile.

" Grade 12, You're small that I thought your younger than me and you look old that i Thought your older than me "

Chaewon groaned gripping her fist tightly. She just want to mess with your face right now for teasing her everyday.

Letting out a sigh to let it pass today thinking you helped her again. You smile noticing it.

" How about we pass the requirements together ? tomorrow morning ? " Chaewon asked you and you shake your head quickly.

" Nope that's a bad idea "

" Well Me and your girlfriend together with our friends, always pass the requirements together or sometimes I'll pass mine alone but that's a bad idea if your girlfriend see or caught us together, she will start suspecting me " You explained, understanding what you said Chaewon nod at you agreeing.

Glancing at the time on your phone, you sighed.

" I'll just message you when Im free, Also don't forget our plan tomorrow night " remembering her what your plan is even though Chaewon didn't get any of it.

" I'll go now " You said facing your back at her but when you heard her call your name you look at her again.

" Verna "

" Go home safe " Chaewon said shyly since it's her first time saying that to you.

Noticing that she's getting shy, you smile and wave your hand.

" I will, have a goodnight " waving your hand at her while she did the same.

You gave her a last glance before deciding to walk away from their house.

Unable to see you anymore on her sight, Chaewon decided to enter inside their house and walk upstairs where her room is.

" She's better "


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