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Everything is going very smoothly.

You and Chaewon are glad that Hyewon isn't looking suspicious around her not knowing you and Chaewon have been following her all the time.

But there are times that You and Chaewon almost get caught together and you thanked your quick reflexes that you and Chaewon would able to hide and react quickly.

" She just bought food and now she's going to buy something again ? " You heard Chaewon mumbled.

Well this is the second time Hyewon stopped by on a store to buy lots of foods this time than earlier.

Judging Chaewon who seems don't have any idea what's her girlfriend doing.

" You're her girlfriend right ? You should know that's just how she is but can't deny the fact that it's really suspicious "

Chaewon remained clueless it's true that her girlfriend likes buying lots of food for her own but thinking that what she's buying is maybe too much, it's really suspicious.

" Maybe it's for herself or for her friends and bestfriends maybe they're hanging out tonight " Chaewon said thinking of a possible reason or conclusion.

As far as possible she don't want to suspect her girlfriend more but what she's seeing now is really confusing.

" What do you think Im doing here ? if she's going to hang out with her friends ? Hyewon only have us as her friends " You said explaining her that what she said is wrong.

When Chaewon understand what your point is, she rolled her eyes at you.

" You just ruin the moment " She murmured.

Watching Hyewon leaving the second store that she just went, you and Chaewon continued what are you doing, hiding and looking around spying your friend that's Chaewon's girlfriend.

Somehow you feel like you and Chaewon are like being creeps or stalkers following her around, but since you have a good reason to do it you thought that its understandable.

Stopping unexpectedly, Chaewon bumped into your back, didn't see that coming.

" I think were near, she's slowing down " You said noticing something , as you take a peak at Chaewon who's eyebrows raised while thinking something.

She's thinking that maybe she's going to meet the girl, is she getting into a fight tonight once she find out ?

Since you're back is facing Hyewon, Chaewon's eyes widened in shocked as she start to panicked.

" She's coming to our way " She whispered before grabbing your hand as she pull you on a empty alley to hide.

Though Hyewon just forget to buy something.

Thinking that Hyewon caught both of you, you started to get nervous just by thinking, but what more to Chaewon who's now closing her eyes tightly praying that both of you won't get caught.

Everything was so closed that she thought the day will end like this.

Deciding to open her eyes and to take a peak on Hyewon's place since she's near at the end of the wall.

As soon as she look at Hyewon's place her eyes widened in shocked.

" Oh shi- " She cussed when she trip while walking towards your place since you're at the inner part of the alley.

Hyewon heard it clearly, she look at the place where she heard the voice, the voice was very familiar thinking she have heard it before and because of confusion she decided to walk towards the alley where both of you are hiding.

" Why are you clumsy at this time ? " You mumbled at Chaewon, getting worried at her as you approach her position and tried to help her stand.

Chaewon tried to stand as possible, she thought that if the both of you will get caught, it will be her fault and now she's starting to feel terrible just by thinking about it.

Assisting her to stand, you looped your arm around at Chaewon's waist helping her to stand slowly.

Then she placed her arms on your shoulder to hold onto.

" You can leave me " Chaewon blurted out, you look at her.

Chaewon is already thinking how will she said an excuse on how did she ended up in that place once Hyewon caught her alone if you leave.

You chuckled at her shaking your head.

" Nope, there's no way I would leave you in this place like this, specially that you just hurt yourself " You mumbled at her.

Chaewon was glad to hear that.

She thought your really going to leave her, she don't even know why did she said that and if you really leave her she's going to kill you.

Since Chaewon is now facing her back at the end of the alley, the only way to get out of the alley is using the front or climbed up there in the wall.

Taking a glance at your back where the entrance of the alley is, you saw a person's shadow approaching your position and you know it's Hyewon because of the form of the shadow.

You started to panick thinking what will you do to get out of this situation.

You know that you can't force Chaewon to run at this kind of condition, not now that running is the only possible way to escape.

Running out of options, you have an idea on your mind but you don't know how will Chaewon react to it.

" Who's there ? " You and Chaewon heard someone said and just with the tone of the voice, you recognized it quickly, it's really Hyewon who's approaching both of you.

Hearing the footsteps getting near, you sigh making Chaewon to look at you.

" Don't beat me for this " You mumbled she look at you confusingly but before she could asked you what does supposed to mean.

You grab both of her hands and put it around your neck as you looped your other hand on her waist and leaned your face near her, not forgetting to tilt it to the other side to hide Chaewon's face.

As soon as Hyewon peak on the not so dark alley where she heard a familiar voice coming from, she saw two couples kissing

She have no idea who is it that she couldn't tell if she know the couple or not since she can't see the faces because it's a little too dark.

" Ops Sorry " Hyewon said quickly apologizing, getting flustered at what she just witnessed she walk away from the alley quickly.

She was too embarrassed since she didn't expect to see something like that.


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