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Morning already comes, after getting ready. Your now on your away to Hanlim School to pass your requirements alone.

Earlier you called your friends asking if one of them have plans to pass today's morning but they answered you the same reason saying they're too lazy to pass today.

Arriving at the school, you pay the cab before leaving the car and as soon as you step out of the car, you already saw lots of students leaving the gate and entering the gate of the school.

Deciding to enter, lots of students remember and knows you, so you thought that they're maybe one of the students who graduated too.

You enter inside the building and walk towards the office where you're going to pass the requirements that contains your personal information.

Knocking on the office door multiple times.

" Come In! " You heard someone shouted inside.

Twisting the door knob, you open the door revealing you the spacious room which didn't change at all.

" Oh! my favorite student " You heard the principal said when he realized it was you her favorite student who enter inside his office.

Some of the students who's also inside look at your direction thinking why did the principal react like that.

Noticing their gazes at you, you tried not to look at them since they're making you uncomfortable.

" Im glad, you're going to continue your studies here " The Principal said when you're finally infront of him.

You look at him and nod before giving your requirements.

Unlike what he did to the other students he checked all of their requirements one by one but when it's you.

The principal gave you back your requirements quickly that he didn't even dared to check what's inside.

" Don't need to check it, you've been studying here for a long years " He said, you look at him and nod grabbing your requirements and was about to leave the office.

But you heard him introduced you to the other students who's inside hsi office.

" This is Park Verna one of my favorite student in this school, why don't you introduced yourself to them ? "

You bit you inner cheek trying no to groan.

Noticing their gazes are on yours, you sigh quietly  facing the students inside and as soon as you face them, you look at the familiar person infront of you, who's also looking at you and now thinking why are you here, while you're thinking the same.

" Park Verna nice to meet you " You introduced  bowing at them and your principal smile and laugh expressing his happiness.

" If you excuse me, I need to leave now " You said facing the principal before bowing at him as you approach the door and leave the office.

As soon as you leave the office the principal told the students to leave too and just go back at the school once the class will start.

After telling them to leave the girl who you eyed contacted with, leave the office and decided to look where are you now.

And when she saw you walking very slow on the hallway, she smile before deciding to run towards your place.

Hearing some foot steps coming from your back, you look at your back and stopped walking, your eyes widened in shocked seeing the girl running towards your direction but since the girl thought your going to continue to walk.

Her speed was really fast that she wasn't able to stopped infront of you and ended up bumping you.

Holding the girl's waist before the both of you could fall on the ground at how hard her impact is, you're glad you were able to control you and her weight.

When the girl realized what's happening she quickly move away and look at you.

" Are you okay ? Im so sorry " The girl keep repeating at you when she noticed that you're holding your left shoulder which she bumped earlier.

You look at the girl and chuckled while in pain.

" Is that how you greet someone who save you twice ? " You said while chuckling.

" Jo yuri "

You continued mentioning the girls name and yes it is Yuri. Yuri look at you and smile she really felt bad that she accidentally hurt you but she's more happy knowing that you'll be in the same school with her.

" Im really sorry " Yuri said, you look at her and shake your head because she've been saying the same word for a multiple times already.

After she bump you, you told her if she want to go at the school's cafeteria to have a talk before leaving the school and ofcourse she agreed quickly.

" It's fine really " You said with a smile while eating the ice cream that she buyed for you.

" You sure ? " Yuri asked you again bursting you into laughter, she look at you confusingly on why are you laughing, she almost thought that maybe she said something funny or what's funny about what she said.

You look at her again shaking her head.

" It's fine really Im okay, you've been asking me that question multiple times already " You said trying to catch your breath for laughing hard, because you really find her cute for asking that questions.

When Yuri understand what you're laughing about, she smiled before eating her ice cream.

" Anyways how long did you study here ? " Yuri asked you in confusion. You look at her before looking at the field.

" 4 years, 5 to be exact since im continuing grade 12 here " You said answering her question.

" You're same grade with me ? " Yuri asked you not believing that you're grade 12 already, she thought that you're younger than her but it turns out that you're on the grade and same age with her.

" If you're 12 then yeah same grade " You answered earning a smile from Yuri.

" Anyways wanna hangout today ? " Yuri asked you making you to look at her.

That question sounds good to you, but remembering that you already made plans for today makes you felt a little sad.

" I can't, I need to do something how about I'll message you if im free ? " You said trying to make everything better.

Yuri look at you and nod with a smile she felt sad that you won't be able to hangout today but hearing what you just said makes her happy.

" Okay then, I'll just message you, also I need to go now " You said when both of you are already infront of the School's gate.

" See you around Yuri "  waving your hand at her while Yuri did the same as soon as she can't see you anymore.

Yuri heard someone calling her name and when she look at who is it, it is one of her close friend.

" Chaewon! " Yuri shouted while running towards Chaewon's direction.


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