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Sitting at a very perfect spot to hide on a table while covering both of your faces with the menu book, eyes are observing around the place.

Hour already passed that you and Chaewon have been sitting in the same place for over 1 and half hour waiting for Hyewon to arrived.

You're getting a little bored for not doing anything so to bother yourself you tried remembering all the menu on the book together with it's price.

Meanwhile Chaewon who seems really focused, can't focused when she started to hear some mumbled coming at your place.

" What are you doing ? " She whispered at you, taking a peak on top of the menu book.

You saw her looking at you.

" Memorizing ? "

Chaewon look at you weirdly having an idea that you're maybe memorizing the whole menu that the library have.

It's a public library so foods are allowed inside.

Going back to memorizing, you noticed a familiar person on your peripheral vision.

Looking at that way secretly, your eyes widened in shocked seeing Hyewon approaching an empty table.

" There she is " You mumbled and Chaewon heard it clearly.

" Where ? " Chaewon asked while looking around the library, the library is too big to find a one person around, it pisses her off to be unable to see her girlfriend.

" She's waiting "

  Looking at Hyewon's place secretly, Hearing you mumbled something Chaewon continued to look around the library but she just can't see her girlfriend.

" Someone's approaching her " You mumbled once again but you were just joking.

While you're watching your friend, Chaewon starts to struggle more for finding her girlfriend at the place.

She's been looking everywhere that her neck feels stiff already.

" Who ?, Who is it ? "

You heard her Chaewon asked you, Looking at her direction you raised your eyebrow in confusion, chuckling silently.

" What kind of eyes do you have ? I've been looking everywhere but I can't find her " She mumbled.

Deciding to tease her a little, you look back at Hyewon like she's your target.

" I have a very charming eyes, and 337.3° North East " You answered teasing her.

Chaewon look at you getting more confused, she have no idea what's the number supposed to mean, she thought that she should have bring a pen and paper to solve the number that you just said.

" The fuck ? " She cursed.

Chaewon was really clueless of what you just said, she just want to see where the hell is her girlfriend, she doesn't even know if that's a direction or something.

Looking at her direction again, you see her head looking everywhere, chuckling quietly you called her name.

" Chaewon " You called her, Chaewon look at you quickly thinking if you will tell her where the hell is her girlfriend now.

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