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Morning already comes and from this day more people and vehicles are moving around.

Chaewon would've been awake, she's already ready to go at the school but it's still early so she decided to stay at their house for a minute.

She've been reading the note that you put on her notebook over and over again.

And if there's a ghost in their house, that ghost might mistaken her as a crazy person.

" I already finished our assignments, it's late already so I decided to leave and not wake you up since you're sleeping peacefully, anyways goodmorning see you at the school " Chaewon read again.

Putting the note on her table, A sighed escape on her lips she really have no idea what's happening at her.

Receiving a notification from her phone, Chaewon grabbed her phone and decided to look who is it, she was expecting that it was you but it's Hyewon.

Her ex girlfriend.

Opening the message in confusion she just hope that it's not about their relationship.

After reading, Chaewon became confused and interested, she don't want to go and meet her at the library but she felt like she should

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After reading, Chaewon became confused and interested, she don't want to go and meet her at the library but she felt like she should.

She have no idea what was it about but when Hyewon mentioned your name her confusion grews more.

She was thinking that maybe Hyewon find out everything that you've been helping her all along.

Closing her phone, Chaewon grabbed her bag leaving their house quickly, she's curious what's Hyewon going to say.

And the thought of Hyewon cheating on her was never erased on her mind but the memories they built together they're no longer existing.

Arriving at the School, it is still early at morning yet there are lots of students wondering around the school.

Entering inside the building, she was able to find where the library is.

As she enter inside, she saw Hyewon sitting alone on a chair while reading something.

When Hyewon felt that someone enter inside, a smile formed on her lips thinking that she did come but seeing Hyewon smiling makes Chaewon pissed.

Hyewon is acting like she didn't do anything, like they haven't broke up.

Approaching her, Chaewon take a sit infront of her and wait for what will the latter going to say.

Noticing Chaewon's serious mode Hyewon gulp, even though they're not together she felt like she's going to die anytime soon.

" Speak " Chaewon said coldly she've been waiting on what will Hyewon wanted to tell her yet she didn't even dared to open her mouth.

Hyewon cleared her throat before deciding to talk, she don't know if it's the right thing to do but it's the only thing that will ruin your image at Chaewon.

" Do you like Verna ? " Hyewon asked her without hesitation, she's been confused just by thinking about it.

Looking at Hyewon's direction Chaewon was caught off guard by her question.

Even her have been asking herself if she likes you.

But there's no answer appearing on her mind, she's not sure, and she have no idea if she is.

She've been asking the same question at herself everyday yet still no answer.

When Hyewon noticed that Chaewon became quiet she thought that maybe she's thinking so before she could know the answer she decided to talk again.

" Verna " She started and Chaewon look at her waiting on what will she said next.

" She's not a good person like you thought " She continued.


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