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The game starts again.

It continued very fast, that it's you and Hyewon's turn again for the last arrow that will determine who will be the winner for the competition.

Holding the last arrow you have, panic starts to building up, it's not that you haven't played before you're just nervous for the outcome.

There's only one gap between your team and the opponent team and the opponent leads it.

Hyewon's already done shooting her last arrow and now their gazes are all yours again.

If you managed to score a perfect 10 then your team will win.

You don't want to embarrass yourself infront of the crowd knowing they have a big expectation for you performance at this competition.

Closing your eyes as they give you some time you sigh thinking that your team should win, everything is in your hands besides you want Chaewon to take you out on a date.

Remembering that now you feel so motivated and inspired.

You open your eyes and smile as the crowd shout again, there's hundreds of students who cheers for you, why would you be nervous ?

Releasing your last arrow you close your eyes again not wanting to see what will be the result.

Hearing a shout coming from your team saying you hit a 10, you open your eyes quickly and check it.

You hit a bull'seye again.

You didn't think you could actually do it, your team won the competition, it's just a school competition yet why does it feel like you're battling in overseas.

Running towards your team all of you smile and jump happily as a celebration for winning, so did the students who cheered for you and your team that are now shouting and clapping their hands.

It was a very big disappointment for the opponents team, they won't lie the fact that they enjoy the game and it was a great competition.

What's matter the most is they did their best and ofcourse sometimes there's always a team or a person who will lose.

They accept their defeat since all of them are a fan of yours too, you're to skilled that they even thought you can defeat 6 of them alone.

As the students start to leave the gymnasium after the great competition.

You and your team walk outside carrying your things with a smiled formed on each of your lips, and now you and the others are on your way to get the medal in the office.

" Verna "

Hearing someone calling your name from the back, You look who is it and it's Hyewon.

" What ? " You asked her coldly as your teammates that are already walking away from you, didn't notice that you're not following them anymore.

" Can we talk ? " Hyewon asked you. " Please "

Judging her, You sigh and just nod.

" Inside the gymnasium "

Following her from behind you and Hyewon stopped in one of the bleachers seat and take a sit. " That was a good game " She started making you to look at her.

You're sure that, that's not the reason why would Hyewon asked you to talk to her specially privately.

" Just go straight to the point " You said.

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