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Staring at Chaewon for a god damn minute, she seems to noticed that you're not talking anymore or even moving.

Looking at you with her eyebrows raised she waved her hand infront but you didn't move.

Grabbing a snow on the ground, she throw the snow on your face, as you back away from her quickly.

You were just thinking and trying to sink in what did she just said but ended up getting hit by a snow right into your face.

" What was that for ? " You asked her annoyingly.

Chaewon scoffed and rolled her eyes.

" Serves you right "

You heard her mumbled, you look at her direction and shake your head and decided to not argue with it.

Thinking about the name that she said, you decided to ask her again.

" What was the name ? " You asked her innocently, she look at you before rolling her eyes.

" Are you deaf ? "

You remained silent and wait for her to answer your question again.

You heard what she said clearly, and you just want to make sure if you heard it right.

" Kang Hyewon " She repeated.

Hearing your friends name twice, you realized that it's really Kang Hyewon that you heard earlier.

Trying to process everything and not believing her about it.

You asked her again.

" Kang what ? " You asked her confusingly.

Getting annoyed, she almost thought that you are too deaf to not hear what she just said twice.

" Are you really deaf ? We're been standing beside each other inch away, yet you didn't heard what did I just said, are you annoying me on purpose ?! "

And Before you could answer her back, you heard her Mom shouted something who's inside their house.

" Kim Chaewon! I said settle down with her not to shout at each other! " Her Mom shouted.

A sigh escaped on her lips before looking at you deadly.

" You're dead if I see you again " She warned pointing her finger at you making you gulp on how serious she is.

Deciding to tease her again, you grab her hand and put it down giving her a smile.

" Im sure you're going to see me again, your girlfriend is my friend "

Looking at you confusingly trying to understand what did you just said, realizing what it is, she accidentally raised her voice again and her Mom heard it.

" What?!! " Chaewon shouted startling you.

" Kim Chaewon!! what did I just said!! " Her Mom shouted again.

Chaewon look at their messy door to check if her Mom is going to appear on that door but she's glad she didn't because it might be a big mess.

" You and Your Mom are cute " You mumbled while looking at their house.

Chaewon look at you before letting out a scoffed.

" Im the only cute one in our house " She said making you chuckled at her confidence.

" What did you just said earlier ? " She asked, you look at her giving her a teasing smile which makes her eyebrows meet.

" Are you deaf ? " You said copying what she said to you earlier.

" I was just making sure if I heard it right! " She mumbled angrily, you look at her and stuck your tongue out.

" So am I " You mumbled back.

Getting more annoyed at your actions, She grab a snow again attempting to throw it to you but before she could, both of you heard a doors click.

Looking at the door it was her Mom.

Her mom was curious on what's happening to both of you since she keep hearing Chaewon shouting outside their house.

Seeing Chaewon in a position of throwing something to you her Mom gave her a stern look.

" And what do you think are you doing ? " She asked her daughter.

Realizing what Chaewon is going to do, she put her right hand down, before grabbing some snow on her other hand.

" We were just playing Mom " Chaewon reasoned out, she look at her daughter with her eyebrows raised before looking at your direction who's just watching the both of them.

You noticed that her Mom is looking at you, you were about to say that her daughter is lying but before you could, you felt a stomp on your feet making you whined quietly.

" Ye-ah we were just playing sno-w "  stuttering a little feeling her foot stomping your own.

Being convinced at your answer, Her Mom gave her daughter a one last glance.

" Keep your voice low, and settle quickly with her, it's late already and I still need to scold you " Her Mom said before facing her back at the both of you and closed the door.

And as soon as she already enter, Chaewon was about to throw you the snow that she's holding but before she could, you talk already.

" Your girlfriend is a friend of mine " You repeated, hearing it more clearly this time.

Chaewon drop the snow before removing her foot on yours.

" That hurts you know " You whined while holding your foot that she step. Chaewon look at you before rolling her eyes.

" Stop being so dramatic, if you won't stop playing around I'll do more than that " She warned.

Hearing a chuckle coming from your direction.

She gave you a confused look, realizing that she's staring at you, you stop laughing before standing straight.

Remembering what she said earlier, you became curious at their relationship.

" What were you saying earlier ? Hyewon is cheating at you ? " You asked her again.

" You're really deaf " You heard her mumbled, you pout and just wait for her to answer.

Receiving a nod as an answer, you were still shocked about it.

" Im not sure if she is but she acts like one "

Looking at her with disbelief, She accused your friend cheating to her when infact she's not sure if she is, you can't believe what did you just heard that you thought this girl infront of you might be crazy.


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