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" What plan ? " Chaewon asked you, you look at her shaking your head as you grab your phone to open your chat box with them.

" Wait a minute " You said typing something, Chaewon just look at you before laying on their sofa, waiting for you to tell your plan patiently.

" Wait a minute " You said typing something, Chaewon just look at you before laying on their sofa, waiting for you to tell your plan patiently

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Laughing silently at your friends message, Chaewon started to receive lots of notification.

Looking at her direction, you smile thinking that it might work.

When Chaewon read where did the notification came from, it was her girlfriend giving her lots of messages.

Thinking that you have something to do with it.

She look at you so you quickly look away and pretend that you're doing something.

Deciding to check her girlfriends message, Chaewon's eyes widened in shocked she can't believe what's happening right now.

Deciding to check her girlfriends message, Chaewon's eyes widened in shocked she can't believe what's happening right now

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Cannot believe what's happening right now she decided to ask you.

" What did you do ? " Chaewon asked you, you look at her direction with confusion.

" Do what ? " You asked, acting innocent.

" Well my girlfriend just message me and told me if we want to go out " Chaewon said at you.

You look at her acting like you didn't get anything.

" So ? "

" you're supposed to be happy that she's asking you out " You asked her.

Chaewon look at you, judging you she thought that you seems clueless about what she's saying but she knows you have something to do about it.

" Just what the hell did you do that my girlfriend became like this all of the sudden ? " Chaewon asked you again, you look at her and smile before shaking your head.

" It's a secret, anyways you should prepare now, you're going out with Hyewon " You said reminding her.

Chaewon look at you and smile before standing.

" I'll get change then " Chaewon said at you with a smile formed on her face as she run towards their stairs and went to her room to change her shirt.

As soon as Chaewon leave, a sigh escaped on your lips you don't know if what you're doing is right.

You felt bad for Chaewon because she thought that her girlfriend didn't asked her out on purpose.

You're sure that Hyewon did that because she's trying to stop you from dm-ming Chaewon even though both of you already exchanged numbers.

Hearing a footsteps coming from the stairs.

Chaewon approach you with a new clothes.
" So tell me what did you do ? " Chaewon asked you again.

You look at her before shaking your head.

" Did it worked ? " You asked her.

" Ofcourse, she even asked me out today " She answered making you nod.

" Just what did you do ? " She asked you again, You shake your head before standing.

" Atleast thank me for what I did " You said with your hands on your pocket. Chaewon look at you and whined cutely.

" Just tell me what did you doooo " She whined at you making you chuckled, you can't believe that you just saw her did that and now you want to bless your eyes for seeing a unfortunate action of her.

" your welcome and enjoy your date " You said not answering her question, Chaewon look at you and just nod.

" Ok, I'll just find that out " She said before leaving their house, you scoffed following her outside and close their front door.

You approach her.

" Tell me if Hyewon didn't showed up again " You said making her to look at you after she just message Hyewon that she agreed of going out today.

" I hope she will showed up " You heard her mumbled.

You look at her shaking your head.

" Well she better showed up or else " You said before giving her a wink and just with that her curiosity grews more, she just wanted to know what did you do but you won't let her.

" Anyways I need to go now before Hyewon will saw me here, btw thankyou for the lunch and have a good date with her "  walking away from her you didn't wait for her response.

Chaewon smiled before grabbing her phone and not even a minute when you left.

Hyewon arrived infront of Chaewon's house seeing her girlfriend outside.

It was a happy day for Chaewon but for you it was a very tiring day.


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