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After eating you and Chaewon decided to walk around the school.

There's still more time left before the 1st subject this afternoon will start.

Arriving on top of the rooftop, both of you are glad that there's no students inside.

You take a sit on the bench, Chaewon did the same.

" Ah right " Chaewon started, you look at her.

" About the archery have you made up your mind ? " Chaewon asked you.

Looking at her confusingly it was so random that she'll bring that topic that you're trying to avoid to talk about as possible.

You cleared your throat, shaking your head as an answer.

" Why ? " Chaewon asked you.

Getting confuse about it, you don't know if she's asking you this questions because she just wanted to, or someone told her to force you join the Archery.

Remembering what you saw earlier, you flick your finger startling her.

" Yujin told you to help her make me join Irene's team right ? " You asked her with a smile formed in her face.

Chaewon look at you in shocked, thinking how could you said that just right infront of her.

" What ? " She asked you innocently.

You chuckled.

" I saw Yujin give you that stare earlier before she leave the classroom and as her bestfriend I know what that supposed to mean "

Chaewon remained quiet.

" Come on you don't have to hide it, I know how my friend's brain works "

Chaewon stared at you, she sighed thinking how do you always caught her at this kind of situations, she's trying to be careful so you won't get suspicious but still she get caught.

" Fine Fine! " Chaewon said before rolling her eyes.

Well what else can she do, you already found it out.

It's true that Yujin have something to do about the questions she's asking you.

Earlier While your teacher is discussing Yujin gave her a note secretly making sure you won't see it, Chaewon was confused but still she decided to read what's written.

At first she disagreed about what Yujin told her to do but Yujin just don't know when to stop so she ended up agreeing her.

Yujin keep bothering her while on class, she just have enough of her that she decided to agreed.

Besides Yujin explained her why do they want you to join the team and she understand it.

Yujin even told her that there's a story why won't you joined archery again but ofcourse Yujin didn't told her what is it exactly, she knows what private is, So she just told Chaewon to asked it by herself.

" You should join them " Chaewon said and you chuckled.

" Are you aware that you're ex girlfriend will be one of our opponent ? " You asked her.

Chaewon look at you confusingly and when the sentence keeps repeating on her mind her eyes widened in shocked.

" She's what ?! " She asked you a little loud.

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