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Arriving infront of your house, you enter inside not forgetting to removed your shoes and left them beside the door just like what your Grandma always said.

Looking at the place where you put your skateboards, you lost count how many of them are already broken, adding the broken skateboard that Yena broke.

You don't know how many skateboard is broke and how many skateboard are still fine.

Walking upstairs to your room, you open the door revealing the very fresh scent of your room.

The scent was very suiting for someone's scent of smell. Approaching your bed you lay yourself comfortably.

You're to exhausted at all the things that you did today, since you did all the work just to help Chaewon to find out if Hyewon's cheating or not and now that Chaewon already know what the truth is.

You don't know what will she do next.

And She might be to dumb to stay with your friend after finding out that she's cheating.

You just hate it whenever people destroys someone's trust. Trust was really important in any situation specially on a relationship.

Deciding to closed your eyes to take a sleep after the exhausting morning. Not even a minute you take yourself on a deep slumber.

Hours already passed when you started sleeping, Hyewon and Chaewon are having fun with their date and ofcourse it was Chaewon who's only having fun of it.

Noticing her girlfriend looking at their back time to time while they're on their way back to Chaewon's house.

Chaewon started to get suspicious at her girlfriend.

" Is something wrong ? you keep looking at our back ? " Chaewon asked her girlfriend. Hyewon look at her in shocked shaking her head quickly.

" Nothing " Hyewon answered shortly before giving her girlfriend a smile.

Chaewon look at her suspiciously but decided to just ignored it, she thought that she should not think that her girlfriend is really cheating for now since they just spent a day together.

Arriving at Chaewon's house they both stopped infront to bid their goodbyes at each other.

" Should we go movie marathon tomorrow ? we weren't able to go there since it's very crowded " Chaewon asked her girlfriend.

Hyewon look at her and shake her head earning a raise of an eyebrow from her girlfriend.

" I can't " Hyewon answered shortly.

" Why ? "

" I have other things to do " She answered, not looking at her girlfriend.

" How about tomorrow ? " Chaewon asked her Hoping that what they did today will happen again.

" Nope, I need to do something important, no other questions " Hyewon said trying to escape from her girlfriend.

Chaewon pout having no other choices left, noticing Chaewon's action Hyewon smile before planting a kiss on her head which one of the things that Chaewon always love her to do.

" Im going now I love you " walking away from Chaewon's house without waiting for her girlfriend's reply.

Time is moving so fast that Hyewon left Chaewon's house at 7:15 in the evening.

Watching her girlfriend walking away from her.

Chaewon sighed and decided to enter inside their house to change her clothes.

Earlier she was really in a good mood and now she's in the bad mood.

The thought of her girlfriend cheating on her almost slipped on her mind because of what did they just spent today.

Waking up from a deep sleep, you sat on your bed with your heavy breathing.

You just woke up from a terrible nightmare a nightmare that you don't want to remember.

Grabbing your phone to check the time. It's already 7:20 in the evening, realizing you haven't eaten dinner.

You stand and walk downstairs to grab a beanie deciding to just eat dinner outside.

Leaving your house to find a perfect spot to eat, You look around the streets seeing a lot of people walking around, with vehicles at every road moving back and forth.

Bumping into some strangers, you tried your best to avoid getting in touch with them.

You hate it whenever their attention are on your yours, walking through the streets you started to hear a person's voice shouting for help.

At first you thought that it just sounded like that but when you started to hear the voice a little loud and clear.

Walking through an empty dark alley, you stopped walking to listen at the voice again thinking that you heard it there clearly.

Hearing the voice, you're sure that the person who's asking for help is a girl.

Moving faster than ever, you run towards the dark alley without thinking.

Noticing 2 men's at the end of the alley, you were able to take a look at their faces since there's a light coming from the moon.

Having a chance to take a glimpse at what are they doing, you saw a girl pinned to the wall begging for them to let her go.

" Hey! " You shouted approaching them.

The 2 men's look at you and just based on their expression they look drunk.

" What are you doing ?! Let her go " You shouted, the 2 men's look at each other before approaching you.

" Looks like some-one wanted to join the fun " The men said sounded drunk to the other person he's with.

When they approach you, the other men was able to touch your shoulder but before he could do something.

You have a chance to pin his hand, making him too groaned.

" You bitch! " The other men shouted at you attempting to hit you.

Being able to see that coming, you quickly push the other men to his direction making the both of them to fall on the ground.

Attempting to approach you again, you kick the men's stomach causing a groaned to escape on his lips as the both of them fall back on the ground.

Approaching where they are.

You grip your fist tightly before throwing a punch each of their faces, enough to make them hurt but not to bleed.

" You morons get out of here before I call a police " You warned them before pushing them back at the ground.

They looked at you with scared and run but failed since they're to drunk to run straightly.

When you can't find them anymore you look at the person that they're with, deciding to approach the girl who's hiding in the dark.

There's a light coming from the moon and the girl was able to recognized you.

" Verna ? " She said mentioning your name, Looking at the girl's position with confusion thinking how did she know your name.

When the girl decided to showed up, you were able to take a glimpse on her face and that's when you recognized who she is.

" Yuri ? "


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