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Three days of practicing for the upcoming competition, it was very tiring that there are days that you weren't able to move your shoulder but you're glad that it healed quickly before the competition begin.

You weren't also able to used your phone that much since you and your team have been practicing the whole 3 days.

Chaewon always messages you but you will always read them late because of the practice.

You explained it to her and she understand it.

And now both of you are in a park near their house while sitting on the bench.

Chaewon called you earlier if you have time tonight and ofcourse you agreed, besides Chaewon wanted to goodluck you before the competition will start tomorrow.

You and Chaewon have been quiet for a half hour now after talking randomly, like how's your practice and anything.

Taking a glance at Chaewon, who's now sitting beside you quietly while staring at the pole beside her.

You decided to destroy the silence.

" Chaewon " You called her and she hummed before looking at you.

" You promise that if I win you're going to take me out on a date, is that fine with you ? " You asked her.

The 3 days you weren't able to talk with her after the talk in the rooftop, you've been thinking if Chaewon's fine of the thing you asked her to do if you win.

You thought that maybe you're rushing Chaewon about it, it's fine with you if she won't agreed but it just makes you think again and again.

It's not even that long when her and Hyewon broke up, you think she still needed some time.

Remembering about the promise she said.

Chaewon smile at you.

The 3 days you've been practicing. She find out that you're not doing good, you always hit the lower numbers and sometimes you missed the target, and all of that came from Yujin.

They met yesterday, and Yujin decided to tell her some of the things on what's happening to you while practicing, she even mentioned that you always space out, probably because you're thinking something.

The date that you said wasn't really a bad idea for her, that's why she agreed.

" Will that motivate you ? " Chaewon asked you.

You look at her before looking away nodding your head slowly, you don't even need to hide it.

You're very sure that will motivate you since the thing that's been bothering you while practicing was all about her.

" sure then "

" If your team wins I'll take you out on a date "

You look at her and smiled. You don't need to ask her about it again, since she've been answering that question with the same answer.

" That's a promise, you shouldn't break it " You said standing infront of her smiling widely, which makes Chaewon smiled to.

She barely see you smile but whenever you smile it's very memorable for her.

There's something on you that she really never felt before.

It was so sudden that she realized she's starting to fall inlove with the person who help her caught her ex for cheating at her.

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