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" How's the break up ? " You asked approaching her to the swing after she asked you if you could buy some sweet potatoes for both of you.

" I meant How's the class ? " You asked her trying to mess around.

Chaewon look at you and scoffed before grabbing the sweet potato on your hand.

" It's hot " You warned her, she nod.

" Good, Both good " Chaewon answered pertaining to the break up and the class, though she really didn't enjoyed the class that much since you're not beside her.

" Never felt like this before "

And those words hides a 2 different meanings that only her know.

It's almost a week when she and Hyewon broke up, She thought break ups would hurt but she was wrong on that.

She don't know how should she react after that break up.

She don't want to cry herself out since she've been getting treated by Hyewon like she's not her girlfriend before she could find out everything.

She just can't believe she get cheated.

You gave her a thumbs up feeling a little proud while eating the sweet potatoes quietly.

Though something's bothering you and you can't be the only one to notice that because Chaewon could felt it too.

" Why are we awkward ? " You asked.

No one's talking ever since you and Chaewon started eating maybe because the potatoes are good ? or is it just really awkward ?

if you didn't even spoke, the atmosphere will be quiet until now.

Knowing that you and Chaewon are more likely teasing and messing with each other, being chaotic and loud one, but today it's different.

It was pure silence that only a sound of them munching a food was heard.

Chaewon shrugged her shoulders, even her Don't have any idea why.

" I don't know, why don't you ask your crush " Chaewon blurted out, as her mouth slipped AGAIN.

Hearing what Chaewon just said, you almost choked on what you're eating.

And now that's really unexpected, just why would Chaewon bring that up.

You have no idea where are those words coming from.

" What do you mean ? " You asked her.

You're sure that you heard the word crush but what does it have to do from what are you doing right now and from what are you just talking about.

" I said Im doing good " Chaewon talked while scrolling on her phone, she's aware at what did she said earlier.

She act like,what came to her that she said it like those things shouldn't matter or not important at all.

Seeing her using her phone you decided to change the topic to something else.

" Is she still messaging you ? "

Chaewon nodded her head in response.

" Let me see her message " You whined wanting to know what words are Hyewon saying at her in their conversation.

Chaewon look at you and shake her head.

" Let me see your crush first " She blurted out again.

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