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Lunch time have finally come, your Teacher haven't come back on your classroom after he was called to the office.

As the Bell echoed around the whole school students starts to leave their classrooms and walk around, specially at the cafeteria to eat.

Yujin and Wonyoung leave the classroom first and the time that you're going to follow them, you felt a tap on your shoulder before you could even stand on your chair.

" Why ? " You asked Chaewon.

Chaewon look at you and smile.

" Wanna eat together ? " 

Looking at her before looking at the door, you wanted to talk to Yujin about the Archery and the thought of doing it in the other time would be fine.

" No "

Chaewon look at you confusingly.

" No ? " She asked you.

You smile at her and shake your head.

" Let's go, I was just joking " You said while chuckling making her sigh in relief.

She almost thought that you don't want to eat with her together.

Leaving the classroom as some of the students watch both of you walking, it was very awkward but you're used to it.

Arriving at the cafeteria some students starts to mumbled something that only them can hear ofcourse You and Chaewon noticed it.

They're very obvious.

" Do you still want to eat with me ? " You asked her giving her a tray.

Chaewon look at you and nod she's not afraid of what will people say, just why the hell would students started mumbling something.

It's not like she did something wrong, it makes her think that maybe you're very popular in the school that all of the students always watched you.

" Are you sure ? " You asked her again, you don't want her to eat awkwardly just because the students are watching both of you.

Chaewon nodded her head, besides her friends have schedules at their club today and Yuri, she haven't seen her around the school.

It will be more awkward if she eat alone.

After picking the foods you wanted.

You quickly find a available table so You and Chaewon approach it and began to eat, ignoring the students gaze.

While eating you can feel like someone is killing you behind your back and when you look around.

You saw your friends eating together on the same table.

You and Hyewon's eyes met, no wonder why you feel like dying today.

You quickly look away before looking at Chaewon who's eating quietly.

" Hyewon's watching us " You said.

Chaewon look at you confusingly, as you point your finger secretly on Hyewon's direction.

Looking at it, her and Hyewon's eyes so she quickly look away and just continued to eat.

" Just ignore her " You heard her mumbled.

It's not that Chaewon's afraid that Hyewon will caught both of you eating together beside it's none of her business since she's Chaewon's ex now.

You look at her before looking at your tray staying quiet and just continued eating.

" Don't you think they're being obvious together ? " Sana asked your friends while looking at you and Chaewon's direction.

" Maybe ? " Jeongyeon answered.

Well they have no idea if you and Chaewon are together because as far as they know, you're still on the process of asking her out yet they're now seeing both of you eating together.

" Yujin ? Wonyoung ? " Jihyo called them. Yujin and Wonyoung look at each other and shake their heads.

" even we don't know anything " Yujin said while eating.

" Yeah, she never mentioned " Wonyoung said and your friends nod at them before watching both of you laughing and eating together.

" How about you Hyewon ? you mentioned Chaewon's your bestfriend did she open something ? " Nayeon asked Hyewon who's eating silently.

Hyewon look at her and shake her head.

  The others are still mad at her for opening your story so only some of them talk to Hyewon, like what Nayeon do.

" Maybe they're already together " Yena said and the other hummed at her agreeing except Hyewon.

" They're not " Hyewon said as their gaze divert towards her direction quickly, Hyewon look at them one by one.

" What do you mean ? " Mina asked her coldly well Mina is one of the person who's still mad at her.

" Chaewon mentioned to me that she still have no girlfriend " Hyewon answered and they just ignored her answer continuing eating.

  Hyewon felt bad. It's not just you who's ignoring and avoiding her because some of your friends too.

Deciding to just eat quietly, Hyewon keep glancing at both of you time to time

Wishing that it was her who's eating with Chaewon now like what they always do back then.


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