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After going on a date with her girlfriend, Chaewon was feeling very energetic tonight she don't know how to explain it but she was very very happy.

At this time she should be sleeping by now knowing that she sleeps early, but she've been jumping and running around their house with too much joy and excitement.

Hearing a loud knock on their door, Chaewon take a glance at the window on her room and saw her girlfriend outside.

She rushed her way down stairs and open the door quickly revealing her girlfriend.

" Hi " Hyewon greeted her with a smile.

Seeing the paper bag that Hyewon's holding, Chaewon smiled thinking that it might be for her.

Hyewon who noticed that her girlfriend is eyeing the paper bag that she's holding, she smiled before giving it to her earning a wide smile from her girlfriend.

" I just dropped by to give you these " Hyewon said before pulling her hand back when Chaewon already grabbed it.

Thinking that her girlfriend is alone in their house since she knows her Mom is on duty specially at this kind of time, she decided to stop on a store and buy some foods for her not wanting her girlfriend to starve.

Remembering that tonight they're supposed to go out on a movie date.

Chaewon started to get suspicious again.

She was very happy that her girlfriend is acting to her like what she used to but knowing that she have another girlfriend that she's taking care of, makes her pissed.

" Thankyou, anyways where are you going tonight ? you said you're going to do something important ? " Chaewon asked her and Hyewon look at her in shocked, she thought that Chaewon already forget about it and now she was caught off guard at her question.

Thinking what will she answer at her girlfriends question, Hyewon's hands started to sweat because of nervousness, scratching the back of her neck to play it cool Hyewon look at her girlfriend with a smile.

" Ah that, I still don't know where since the person that im going to meet Haven't message me where the place is " Hyewon reason out trying not to get caught.

Judging her girlfriend who's looking at her now with her eyebrows raised it just build up her anxiety, hoping that what she said will worked.

" Okay " Chaewon answered earning a sigh of relief from Hyewon.

" Then tomorrow ? okay ? after lunch " Hyewon said reminding Chaewon about the continuation of their date.

" I'll pick you up " She continued with a smile Chaewon nod at her.

Hyewon thought there will be no more other questions coming from her girlfriend and she got it wrong.

" why are you suddenly being sweet ? Did something happened ? " Chaewon asked her, acting like she have no idea what's happening to her girlfriend even though she knows you have something to do with it.

She just want to know how will Hyewon react to that.

Hyewon look at her and shake her head.

" You're my girlfriend " She answered shortly.

Chaewon nod at her and didn't asked any other questions since she know that her girlfriend won't tell her anyways.

" Whatever " Chaewon mumbled and Hyewon heard it clearly.

Noticing her girlfriend breathing heavily she thought that maybe Hyewon is in hurry.

" You look like you're in hurry ? " Chaewon said with a tone of asking.

Hyewon look at her in shocked, ofcourse even her can feel how hard she's breathing, the reason is she's just panicking.

Leaning her head at Chaewon to plant a quick peck at her cheeks she pulled away quickly and face her.

" I love you " She said before running away from Chaewon's house not waiting for her answer since she's in a hurry right now.

Watching her girlfriend walking away from her after running she sighed as a lots of thoughts already come to her mind.

Earlier she was just happy and now she don't know how sad she is.

" I wondered how many people have you said those words " Chaewon mumbled.

Deciding to enter their house carrying the paper bag with her, that her girlfriend gave her.

She take a look what's inside and what did her girlfriend buy her, and Chaewon saw a small note inside the paper bag.

Reading the note over and over again Chaewon's heart skip a beat.

But realizing that something doesn't look right that something is wrong, she keep reading and reading the note until the more she continued reading, the more she analyzed what the note supposed to mean and just with the first sentence she find out it wasn't really for her.

Realizing that the note wasn't supposed meant for her.

It looks like a note for another girl. " Im going to hunt that friend of her that I can't even became happy even for a second " Chaewon mumbled reading the note again.

" Hey, I decided to left this note since you won't reply to my messages, so here I'll make it up for you tonight and let's go movie marathon tomorrow, ily " She read as she starting to get annoyed.

Her girlfriend just told her that they won't be able to have a movie marathon tonight and now that she find out what the reason is, it makes her mad, that the friend of hers will have a movie marathon with her girlfriend when it's supposed to be her.

Grabbing her phone deciding to contact someone.

You heard your phone ringing very loud, rushing downstairs to grab your phone on the living room since you left it there after taking a shower.

You saw Chaewon's contact I.d calling you. Thinking what would it be this time, you decided to answer the call.

Hello ?

You asked.

Go to my house we need to talk about something it's urgent so be here before 5 minutes

Chaewon said on the other line, before hanging up the call not waiting for your response.

Letting out a scoffed from what she just did, you look at your phone deciding to put it on your pocket and leave your house.

Chaewon should be glad that you're in a mood today because if you're not you're going to ignore what did she said.


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