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Waking up early in the morning to prepare for the first day of the class.

It's already half minute since you arrived at the school together with your friends, including Hyewon.

They've been teasing each other early in the morning and for Yena.

You're not mad at her anymore well you never been mad at her at first, it just makes you pissed that she accidentally destroy one of the precious things that you have.

While they're talking, all of you are outside waiting for the bell to ring.

They said it's to early to enter the classroom specially that they still don't know which classroom will they be including you.

The sections are listed in the school board, you can see where your sections are.

Deciding to spill something, you steal a glance at Hyewon before talking.

" Y'all what do you think I achieved this past days ? " You asked them with a smile formed on your face

They look at you confusingly they have no idea what are you talking about that they start saying random words thinking if that's it, and their answers just makes you chuckled.

But when all of you heard a gasp coming from Yujin, you look at her direction thinking if she will got it right.

" Is that you know related to the girl in twitter ? " Yujin asked you.

You look at her and nod, making the others gasp except Hyewon who's watching you.

" what is it ? " Hyewon asked you hoping that it's not what she think.

You look at her before looking at the others.

" her phone number " You answered.

" Really ? " They speak In sync.

It's not they don't believe you they just can't believe that you move that fast, without them knowing that you and Chaewon already exchange phone numbers the first day you met each other.

" Yeah " You answered.

All of you look at Hyewon's direction when she said something that the others didn't expect her to say.

" I heard she just broke up with her girlfriend " Hyewon said while looking at you.

You just smile and shake your head playing it cool.

" what do you mean broke up with her girlfriend ? she said she never had a girlfriend before just a friend " You said while looking at her.

See her stare you don't know if she's glaring at you or not since her eyes are still the same even at rest.

Looking at the others who sounded so happy about what you just said except Hyewon who seems disappointed.

It's their first time witnessing you making a move at someone.

There are thousands of people who likes you so much yet they know none of them caught your attention and now they thought you're not a kid anymore which you're really arent.

" omg Verna's progressing " Yena exclaimed while clapping her hands.

She's happy that one of the youngest in your group is starting to find her love life, even though you were just joking at them.

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