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When everything was already settled Chaewon heaved a sigh before opening the door seeing her girlfriend standing on the door step infront of her.

" Hey " Hyewon greeted her.

" Come in " Chaewon said moving a side to welcomed her girlfriend at their house.

She's really nervous of this plan and she hopes that she won't mess it up like what she did the last time.

The time that Hyewon was about to enter inside Chaewon's house. Chaewon extend her hand like she's asking for something.

" Phone " She said shortly, Hyewon look at her girlfriend being confused.

" What ? " Hyewon asked her.

" Give me your phone " Chaewon said once more.

Chaewon is doing what's planned that you and her already discussed and speaking of you, while she's now Infront of her girlfriend, she can't stop thinking what are you doing or what's happening at you right now, thinking that maybe you're already baked like a food inside and she's right.

Hyewon shake her head refusing to do what Chaewon told her to.

She didn't expect that since she thought they're just going to talk about the misunderstanding's that they had.

" Hand it over or I'll get it by my own ? " Chaewon said giving her a warn.

Knowing that her girlfriend won't stop until she hand her phone.

Hyewon sighed grabbing her phone at her pocket putting it on Chaewon's palm.

" There, now can I come in " Hyewon asked her after surrendering her phone even it's against her will.

" password " Chaewon asked her doing what the plan is.

" What for ? I thought we're just going to talk ? " Hyewon asked her back.

Knowing that her girlfriend will asked that question Chaewon already think of an excuse.

" Yeah we are, I don't want any disturbance so what's the password " Chaewon said even though there's no connection between talking and asking a phone password.

Hyewon sighed. " 8120 " Hyewon answered.

" 8120 " Chaewon repeated a little loud making sure that you'll hear it, and trying not to be suspicious infront of her girlfriend.

Trying it on Hyewon's phone she was surprised that it did work when she thought her girlfriend is lying.

Watching Chaewon opening her phone Hyewon became nervous.

" Come with me in my room " Chaewon said placing Hyewon's phone on the table near the cabinet where you're hiding at making sure that you'll take it easily.

Having no other choices Hyewon take a glance at Chaewon before following her upstairs when she already walk without waiting for her.

Hyewon sigh in relief seeing Chaewon didn't do anything else on her phone, she wasn't prepared if her girlfriend will look around her phone since she didn't delete any messages, files and photos.

But before Hyewon could take another step on the stairs Chaewon appear infront of her.

" Can you help me move these boxes to the other room first, before we could talk " Chaewon asked her pertaining to the boxes that you and her prepared to keep Hyewon bothered.

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