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Facing you again, you look at her with more confusion, she's getting more weirder and weirder every seconds that passed, in your opinion.

" Why do you keep on rubbing my face that she just denied me on your group chat ? " She asked, you shake your head before moving away from her slowly.

Since you noticed that she keeps getting near to you, thinking that with just a one wrong word she might throw a punch on your face and you don't like that to happened.

You already passed the situation on not getting into jail but getting into a hospital with a broken face is much more worse.

" You just said that I'm tolerating her when infact Im clueless about your relationship together " You said defensively.

Looking at you again, she gets more really weird to you this time.

" Anyways don't tell her we met " She said all of the sudden.

You look at her and just nod.

" Should I tell her you're my ex then ? " You asked teasing her.

she gave you a glare, shaking her head.

" No, and besides you're really not my ex " She said earning a chuckle from you.

" I want you to keep an eye to her "

Looking at her confusingly you decided to tease her again.

" Left or right ? " You asked innocently.

Chaewon grab a snow and throw it again to you only to hit your back because you turned around.

" Will you please stop, it's annoying me " She groaned and you let out a chuckle you nod at her deciding to stop teasing her for now.

But remembering what did she just said you thought why would you get yourself involved in their relationship.

" But why am I getting involved ? " You asked her.

" How about me when you throw a cake on our door and told my mom that you're my ex "

understanding what her point is, you look at the door and the cake around it, she's right you get her involved into something too.

" You want me to find out if Hyewon's cheating ? or not ? and what made you think that she's doing it ? " You asked her confusingly

It's not that you don't want to help her, you just don't want to butt in, in someone's relationship.

" She won't let me touch her phone okay ? " She said with a tone of asking being unsure of it.

" And what about privacy ? " everyone needs privacy doesn't mean you have a girlfriend she need to know everything.

" You know what, I bet you're single and you haven't been in a relationship, I can feel it " She said and you look at her in shocked.

" Did you just tell me that Im single ? " You asked her in disbelief, she nod at you before stucking her tongue out making you pissed a little.

" Yah! I have a girlfriend once " You shouted a little thinking that maybe her mom is still wide awake so you just wish that Her Mom didn't heard that.

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