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Both of you were busy talking about some random stuffs while leaving the Naksan park since it's getting late already.

You and Chaewon didn't even noticed that both of you already arrived infront of her house already.

It's already very dark outside and just how long have been you're staying outside that you didn't even realizied what time is it already.

Stopping infront of their door, Chaewon was about to enter inside until you remember something that you're going to asked.

" Chaewon " You called her, she look at you.

" Are you the one who blocked Hyewon on my accounts ? " You asked her earlier while looking through your phone to check if she did something.

You saw Hyewon's profile in blocked and as far as you know you didn't blocked her and you don't remember doing that.

Chaewon nod at you, making you confused on why would she do that.

" I don't like her for you " Chaewon said getting  more confused on what is she saying.

First You and Hyewon are friends and only friends, Second Hyewon have a girlfriend that she cheated with so there's no way you will like her,

Third You don't like Hyewon and Hyewon don't like you either, and Fourth you hated each other and likes pissing of each other.

just why would Chaewon said that.

" You're jealous of your own ex ? " You asked her confusingly chuckling awkwardly, what she said really surprised you.

Chaewon rolled her eyes, you just accused her for being jealous.

When She don't want her ex to see You interacting with her, she's capable on what Hyewon could do since she tried ruining your image at her which she's aware now.

Besides why would she even feel that way, when she knows that you wouldn't choose someone like that over her.

" I said I only don't like her for you, don't get me wrong " Chaewon said, though after reading some of your conversations on your phone earlier she saw how you tease and pissing of each other  lovingly.

She felt a little jealous and she don't even know why would she, when infact there's no need to get jealous about it.

Raising your both hands in defeat.

You nodded your head not wanting to argue even more about it. You know she's going to keep denying it until the end.

" Fine see you on Monday then " You told her.

You're not able to hang out with her tomorrow since you already told Yuri that you will go out tomorrow, she always asked you when are you free to hang out with her.

Chaewon already know it after reading You and Yuri's conversation.

Noticing how Chaewon became quiet you look at her chuckling, as you face your back at her attempting to walk away but before you could step your foot again on the ground you heard her said something.

" Wait " Chaewon said, you look at her with confusion.

Chaewon gulped, she don't know why but she's getting nervous to said that sentence on her head, she want it but she's afraid.

Grabbing all the courage she have.

She approach you and start hesitating to say those words but it's now or never.

If she won't asked it today then she won't have any chances to asked it again because she will be really embarrassed.

" What is it ? " You asked her confusingly.

Chaewon look at you gulping again, she's nervous.

" Can I get a ki-ss ? on ch-eeks ? "


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