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Waking up by the loud sound of your alarm, you stirred on your sleep before sitting quickly to stop the alarm remembering that today is Jihyo's birthday.

Grabbing your phone to check the time or any messages that you received today.

It's already past 2 in the afternoon which is the right time to prepare and the said party will start at 6 in the evening.

Jihyo thought it will be too boring if they will start early in the morning and the afternoon so she decided to start it at night.

Spending the whole morning and noon sleeping on your bed, You stand and decided to enter the bathroom to get ready.

After preparing everything and dressing yourself on your style.

You leave your room and walk downstairs straight towards your kitchen to grab the banana milk and the gummies that you bought.

Remembering the girl you helped last night, you raised your eyebrow in confusion forgetting her name already.

" What was her name again ? " You asked yourself.

You stared at the gummies for a second, as you flicked your finger remembering her name.

" Jo Yuri " You mumbled.

Shaking your head to erase the flashbacks from what happened last night.

You grab a black plastic bag and put your banana milk and 2 gummies inside.

Walking towards the front door, you grab one of your skateboards on the corner before turning all the lights off.

You open the front door and leave inside your house before closing it back to lock it.

Grabbing your phone you decided to message someone.

After that, you ride your skateboard and skate all the way to the Naksan Park alone

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After that, you ride your skateboard and skate all the way to the Naksan Park alone.

Arriving at the place, many people are walking around already ,well who wouldn't Walking around the Naksan Park is the best whenever it's cold season, because it's high enough to reach the coldest air.

Climbing to the walls to take a sit while having a clear view of the houses and the buildings.

You grab your banana milk and 2 gummies out of the plastic bag before opening the 1 pack of the gummy.

While Eating quietly, you felt a pat on your shoulder from the back, so you look at who is it.

" Wow it's really you, we meet again " The girl said, looking at her with confusion, you can't see her face clearly because of the mask that's covering half of her face.

" Excuse me ? "

You said with a tone of asking, the girl chuckled before realizing something so she removed her mask and look at you and as soon as she removed her mask, your eyes widened in shocked, it was the girl last night.

" Jo Yuri ? " You asked and the girl nod at you.

" Glad you remember me " Yuri said with a smile formed at her face.

" Yeah " You said awkwardly.

Yuri look at the food that you're holding before looking at you wondering what are you doing in the roof of the wall.

" What are you doing here ? " You asked her before jumping down to the wall since it's more awkward talking with someone on that position.

" Want some ? " offering the pack of the gummy that you're holding. Yuri look at you and nod before grabbing the pack on your hand.

" Well It's good taking a walk here at this days and what a coincidence that I saw you at the same place " Yuri answered and you nod at her.

" Yeah, what a coincidence "

" How about you ? What are you doing here ? " Yuri asked you.

Taking a sip on your banana milk until it's gone, you grab the plastic bag and put it inside.

" Same reason " You answered shortly, extending your hand to her Yuri look at you with confusion.

Realizing what it is she smiled.

" Ah " She said before giving the empty pack of the gummy that she ate, you smile at her before putting the empty pack inside the plastic bag together with the empty bottle of the banana milk.

" Take it " You said extending her the other pack of the gummy which is the last one.

Yuri look at you and shake her head quickly.

" Nope, it's yours I already ate the other one " She said but you shake your head and grab her right hand startling her.

" Nah, I can buy again though " You said before removing your hand at her.

" Anyways I need to go now, It was nice meeting you again " You said at her with a smile formed on your face before attempting to walk past by her but she talk so you look at her.

Taking long for her to talk and to asked you that question, she cleared her throat before grabbing her phone on her pocket extending it to you.

you look at her and her phone with confusion.

" Can I have your number ? if you don't mind " She asked you shyly.

Staring at her phone thinking if you should give your number, Yuri noticed it so she talk again.

" It's fine if you don't want to " She continued.

You shake your head before grabbing her phone earning a wide smile from her.

Typing your phone number at her contacts and setting a profile for it. You gave her phone back.

" Thankyou " She said and you simply nod your head.

" Bye " You said before facing your back at her, as you leave the park quickly and go straight to Jihyo's house since you're getting late already.


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