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Walking alone on a not so crowded street at night. You decided to buy something first before going straight to your house.

Entering the near 7 eleven store, you grab a 1 bottle of strawberry banana milk and 2 packs of Lotte Jellycious Watermelon Gummy.

Approaching the cashier counter.

You noticed that the cashier is having a talk with a girl and it seems a little personal but it's not.

" Miss you can't take this if you wont pay now " You heard the cashier said. Approaching them to put the food that you buy infront of the cashier.

You look at the girl beside you.

" I will pay you, it's just that I forgot to bring my wallet " The girl said at her but the cashier girl shake her head.

" Sorry miss but in that case, you could go back tomorrow or anytime and just pick this again " She said while looking at the food that the girl buyed.

You look at the food and it's a Stuffed Waffle Sandwiches and a can of Saida.

Giving the cash to the cashier to pay your food, the girl beside you keeps convincing the cashier that she will be back and pay.

and you felt a little pity to the girl so you grab your wallet again before grabbing your food that's already payed.

" How much is hers ? " You asked the cashier as both of them look at your direction, and you felt a little awkward this time.

Receiving no answer to the cashier you decided to talk again.

" I'll pay for it " You continued, the cashier look at you and nod before scanning the girl's order and when she finally said the exact amount.

You gave her the cash before deciding to leave the store getting a little awkward.

The girl look at you outside grabbing her food quickly as she run outside the store. She grab your hand making you to stop walking and look at the girl.

" Thankyou for paying " The girl said, you nod at her, giving her a small smile.

" No problem " You said and face your back at her, attempting to walk she grab your hand again stopping you.

" May I know your name ? "

You look at her feeling uncomfortable since you really don't talk to strangers and tell your name to the people you don't know.

The girl seems to noticed that you're getting uncomfortable so she cleared her throat before talking again.

" So whenever we crossed place again I can recognize you, and I know who's the person who pay for this  "

looking at the plastic bag that she's holding with the food that she picked, that you actually payed.

You look at her before looking at the plastic bag again.Seeing her desperate to know your name, you thought that maybe the girl is trusted.

" Verna " You answered, the girl Smiled before offering her hand for a hand shake.

" Jo Yuri, just call me Yuri " The girl introduced looking at her right hand that's extended, you grab it so she won't felt bad for ignoring her offer for a hand shake.

Pulling your hands away from each other the girl named Yuri talked again.

" Thankyou again, it Just happened that I forget my wallet " She said, you nod at her before giving her a small smile.

" It's fine, next time make sure to not forget your wallet you might ended up in jail if that girl couldn't take you anymore " You said to her straightforwardly.

Yuri chuckled before shaking her head.

" I will thanks again, be safe on your way " She said and you nod at her.

" You too " You response before facing your back at her walking towards the direction where your house is.

When the girl named Yuri can't see you anymore, a sigh escaped on her lips remembering something.

" Her number I forgot to ask " She mumbled.

Arriving at your house, you put the banana milk and the gummies on your ref before walking upstairs where your room is.

You wanted to take rest quickly since tomorrow will be a very tiring day.

Forgetting to message Yena, you lay yourself on your bed comfortably drifting to a deep sleep quickly.


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