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Arriving at Chaewon's house before 10 minutes.

As soon as you stepped inside their house Chaewon told you what happened and what did she find out.

You also almost vomit infront of her when Chaewon told you what did Hyewon and her do on their date which you don't want to know but she insists.

" Are you ready ? " Chaewon asked you like both of you are trying to robbed someone's house.

" Do i look like not ready ? " You asked her back but she just rolled her eyes at you making you chuckled.

" Let's find that girl slash her so called friend "

" Im in " You answered making Chaewon to look at you direction.

" You know, you're better than my girlfriend " Chaewon said truthfully, well she's speaking facts it was true that she felt like you're more better than her girlfriend.

Since whenever she call or text you telling you to come, you will come quickly unlike her girlfriend who takes her years before arriving at where she is.

You look at her and shake your head with a smile.

" It's because I don't cheat "

" I'll take that back, you're worst than my girlfriend " Chaewon said with her arms crossed.

You chuckled leaning your back on their wall since both of you have been standing in their stairs for an hour already.

" what should we do first ? should we snatch her phone and check all of her messages ? " Chaewon asked you.

You look at her in confusion thinking why would she do that, knowing that her Dad is a police.

" what are you saying ? you're aware that your Dad is a cop right ? " You asked her, and just what you said Chaewon look at your direction with confusion.

Because as far as she know she never met her Dad after her Mom and her Dad broke up when she's still a child.

" What do you mean ? I haven't met my Dad ever since I was a child "

understanding what she said you look at her in shocked.

" What?! you don't have a cop Dad ? " You shouted startling her.

Well you just can't believe what did you heard.

Receiving a nod from Chaewon you look at her trying to processing everything.

You thought that her Mom was lying all along, the day that you mess with their door she's not going to call her so called cop husband because just like what Chaewon said she haven't met him.

Letting out a sigh realizing everything, Chaewon look at you with confusion she's thinking what the hell are you acting like that, but thinking a possible reason for you to react she realized something.

" Don't tell me the day you throw a cake on our door my mom warned you that my dad is a cop and maybe that's why you begged for me to help you so you won't end up in jail ? " Chaewon asked you thinking if her hypothesis is right.

Nodding at her as an answer, Chaewon scoffed not believing it and you who's still processing everything you thought that you begged Chaewon to help you for nothing.

"Anyways moving on, Can you like try asking Hyewon about it ? " Chaewon asked you, you look at her and whined deciding to just react about the cop thing later.

" why do you always leave me with the hardest tasks ? " You whined at her. Chaewon scoffed again.

" Are you going to help me or not ? " She asked you, you leaned your back on the wall before sitting on one of the stairs.

" Ofcourse I will "

" even though you help me for nothing " You said mumbling the last words that Chaewon wasn't able to hear.

" Im just thinking how will I do it, and also you better break up with her once we cath the girl " You said making her to look at your direction before she sit on the stair, one step away from you from the top.

" how about an explanation first ? " She asked you, you look at your back since she's sitting behind you.

" Yeah like, Im sorry for cheating like how I accidentally forget our dates and ditch you everytime " You said acting like your Hyewon.

" And how about a sincere apology ? " Chaewon asked you.

" Im sorry from what I did, I really am so please don't leave me and let's try again " You said acting like your Hyewon again earning a groaned from Chaewon because she don't know what will she do, she have no idea.

" That didn't even sound so sincere " Chaewon said.

Noticing her reaction you face your front to avoid her.

" never mind, Youre the one who's going to decide though, it's just all our hard works, my hard works for catching that girl will put in lost if you won't break up with her, I mean why bother deciding to find that friend if you won't even break up with her " You said explaining what your thought.

Chaewon look at your direction thinking that you're right, it's just that she don't know how to react if you and her find out who the girl is.

Staying silent in the stairs for a while both of you look at the wall when you and Chaewon started to hear a grasshopper chirping.

Finding it funny, You and Chaewon burst into laughter while looking at each other well who wouldn't , both of you are just thinking quietly then suddenly a grasshopper will chirp out of nowhere.

" I have a plan " You said at Chaewon who's catching her breath after laughing since she find it really funny.

" How about you ditch her tomorrow on your date ? " You asked her.

" That's a good idea but it's a date, I can't ditch that " Chaewon said agreeing at what you just said but thinking that it's a date that she and Hyewon haven't done before because her girlfriend keep ditching her on their dates.

" but she can, I'll take you on a date instead " You blurted out, and Chaewon look at your direction quickly thinking if she heard it right or not.

She don't know why but the word that you said have a deep meaning for her and she thought maybe it's because her girlfriend never asked her on a date personally and only on messages.


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