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You, who've been carefully following Hyewon for 30 minutes already are trying your best to keep an eye tat her watching where she's going, her every move and action.

Being observant and sneaky at the same time, you don't usually do this kind of things ofcourse it's your first time, that's why you're trying to be careful as possible to not get caught.

Glancing around specially at your back time to time thinking where is Chaewon, she's taking to long to catch both of you.

Feeling a tap on your shoulder, you almost jumped and scream very loud and your just glad you're able to control yourself to not do that or else you'll probably get caught by Hyewon not forgetting you're hiding meters away from her.

" Thank god finally you've arrived what took you so long ? " Asking Chaewon who just arrived with her heavy breathing's.

Seeing the sweats running through her skin you though that maybe she really tried hard to catch you up.

Panting heavily as Chaewon catches up her breath she held your shoulder for support.

she was too tired.

She can't believe, she ran that long and that she was able to catch you up thinking that maybe she's too late.

Her legs felt very numb right now that she think she can't run again.

It's her first time running to a far distance thinking that she just run all the way to Seoul and other countries.

She almost thought she's going to die.

" Traffic " She reasoned out, looking at her direction in disbelief, she run but now why is she saying that it's traffic even she didn't used any vehicle to catch you up.

Though the only and true reason why it takes her so long to arrived is because she was practicing how will she react once she finds everything out tonight.

You just hummed at her before deciding to look at Hyewon again.

" There she is "

Pointing your finger at Hyewon's direction, Chaewon look at the place where you pointed at, seeing her girlfriend carrying a bags of chips and drinks that's way too much for a one person.

Chaewon can't believe that her girlfriend looks really unbothered despite of ditching her on their date.

Hyewon looks more happy today rather than going on a date with her.

Getting curious to something she decided to ask you.

" Are you sure that she's going to that so called friends house ? " Chaewon asked you getting you off guard.

Well even you have no idea where is Hyewon going, you shrugged your shoulders as an answer.

" I don't know, I just took the risk to follow her thinking if she's going to that friend " You answered truthfully.

Chaewon look at you in disbelief she can't believe that she just run that long for nothing after finding out that you're not even sure where she's going.

" You're not even sure of it ?! " Chaewon shouted at you a little loud, getting alert at what she just did, you cover her mouth silencing her.

" Shh we'll get caught " You mumbled watching Hyewon who just walk a few distance away from both of you.

" Do you want to get caught ? " You asked while looking at Chaewon who's also looking at you in the eye this time.

Who wouldn't thought both of you could held an eye contact with each other for too long.

You quickly look away thinking what just happened.

Grabbing your hand in her mouth by Chaewon's own hands she removed your hand on her mouth pulling your hand down.

" What if she's just going home ? " Chaewon asked her thinking some possible reasons.

You look at her and shake her head, she's Hyewon's girlfriend so she's supposed to know where's the way to her house.

" Does this look like the way to her house ? " You asked her countering her question.

Chaewon shake her head realizing that its an unfamiliar street that she haven't been before even once, and with that it just makes her think more where if her girlfriend is really going to that girl.

Thinking again if she will see that girl tonight she just thought she will because her girlfriend have been keeping that friend of her.

Noticing her reaction, you grab her right hand pulling her with you.

" You're dumb sometimes " You mumbled as both of you continue following Hyewon secretly.

Hiding behind of every walls, lamp posts and pillars and anything just to stay hidden, you and Chaewon managed to not get caught by Hyewon which is good.

" she's beautiful even from afar " You heard Chaewon blurted out admiring her girlfriend, she completely forget what are you doing right now.

You look at her with disgusted.

" You sound so in love and Im disgusted " You said straightforwardly at her, she look at you.

" You're just single " Chaewon retorted rolling her eyes.

" At least not being cheated on " You retorted back reminding her that her girlfriend is still cheating.


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