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Arriving infront of the Music Club Room.

You knocked on the door, as the door open revealing the other students who's planning to join the Club.

Entering inside the room, Yuri and Chaewon who's still new at the School gasped at how spacious it is inside, there are also lots of music instruments that are placed neatly on a certain place.

Approaching the other students who's lining up, The other students that are already member of the club for a long time smile after seeing the person that they've been waiting for.

" Okay, let's start this quickly so we can have some time to eat our lunch " One of the senior member of the club said.

The new students nod at her getting excited and nervous at the same time.

Meanwhile Yuri and Chaewon who's feeling the same, their eyes are wondering around noticing that You and your friends are not with them anymore.

Since they're standing at the back, Chaewon was able to take a glimpse of you and your 2 friends standing infront of them from the corner, with your arms crossed and looking serious.

" Im sure all of you think that i will be the one to judge your performances but Im not, those 3 girls will be " The girl said making the new students to look at you, Yujin and Wonyoung's direction where the girl pointed at.

" I'll leave it here, I still need to do something " The girl said approaching the 3 of you.

You look at her and nod as she leave the room quickly.

Standing straightly You walked infront of them judging their appearance.

" Im An Yujin some of you might still not know me so I'll introduce myself " Yujin said energetically removing the nervousness of the students.

" Jang Wonyoung, fighting " Wonyoung said cheerfully as the students clap their hands with too much joy.

And now that it's your turn, the students started to get nervous finding you very intimidating except Chaewon and Yuri who looks very relaxed.

" There should be six of us standing infront, but the 4 can't make it because they're also a member of the other clubs and was said to welcome the new students on the other club " You started making them hummed and nod at you understanding it.

" Music clubs encourage, share, support and teach music to their members and community. Club members use their club time to rehearse, perform together or solo and offer encouragement to other members in their musical pursuits. Each member has the opportunity to introduce new music and ideas to the club, there's also a possibility that you can join the other clubs but that is if you can handle all the works, training, practice and time " You said trying to make them understand what's the purpose of the Music Club.

Hanlim never had some sort of clubs ever since the School was build but last year they started to opened some clubs for the students and now this is the 2nd year that it's still on going.

" Im Park Verna " you introduced yourself.

" the representative of this club and I usually monitor the members " 

Though most of the time you don't, you really likes to slack around and procrastinate over things, you're the role model that everyone thinks of but ofcourse not all of the roles that was thrown to you are done clearly.

You always likes to spent your time alone but still making sure that everything that what's needed to do is already done.

" I won't make it longer but I suggest all of you have prepare a 1 song to sing " You continued before taking a sit at the floor joining Yujin and Wonyoung.

Starting to evaluate them one by one there's 2 person that you're expecting to do great.

Looking at Yuri and Chaewon a small smile formed on your lips.

" And for Yuri and Chaewon I heard you're a great singers so I'll look forward to it " You said even though you have no idea where did you get that.

You just thought that maybe they're good since they're brave enough to join the music club.

You're looking forward to their performance specially Chaewon.

But remembering that there's a little problem about her joining the club you start contemplating if you should tell it to her or not, after.


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