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" What the hell ? "

Cursing after hearing the story on why did Yuri ended up with that 2 mens. You were speechless.

" Damn, thank god I heard someone shouting for help " You mumbled and Yuri heard it.

Earlier when you realized it was Yuri, you decided to take her out of that alley since she's on the urge to cry remembering what just happened to her.

She almost thought if you didn't came or someone, something worse than that might happen to her and she don't know what to do if that happen.

" Thankyou, you save me twice already " Yuri said making you to look at her.

Even you, have no idea why do you keep meeting each other in a unexpected situation.

" It's fine, I also wonder why do I always meet you getting in trouble, this is the second time already and if I didn't come something might really happen to you " You explained.

Yuri nodded at you agreeing, it's true that if you didn't come and help her, she should be dead by now knowing that those 2 mens might really do something at her specially that they're drunk.

" Yeah, that's why I owe my life to you " You heard her mumbled.

Looking at her direction you sighed remembering something about that word.

Remembering the nightmare that you dream earlier it just makes you sick that everything is happening again and you don't know what will you do.

" Have you eaten ? " You asked her changing the topic. Yuri look at you and shake her head.

" You ? " She asked back.

Both of you have been walking in the street ever since you leave the alley and you don't know where the hell are you going.

" I haven't, should we stop by and eat ? " You asked her, Yuri look at you and nod.

" Well if it's fine with you ? " She asked, you look at her and smile.

" I wouldn't mind "

Earning a smile from Yuri, she just can't believe that why do you always show up whenever she's in trouble, she almost thought that its destined to happen.

Grabbing your right hand, You look at her in shocked and was about to talk but before you could, she run dragging you with her from the back.

" My treat then " You heard her said, having no other choices left, since you've been dragged on a eating place already you decided to let her.

" Just grab anything you want I'll pay " Yuri said when the menu book is already infront of both of you.

Staring at her thinking if you should let her pay, the girl infront of you just went into a dangerous situation yet she's going to pay a dinner for  both of you when she almost get robbed or something.

Noticing that you're staring at her, Yuri chuckled before deciding to just look at the Menu book.

She don't know why, but she felt her cheeks heating up. Coming back to your senses, you look at her who's already picking.

" It's fine I can pay for mine " You said making her to look at you and you were answered by a shake of her head.

" I'll pay to show how thankful I am " Yuri said with a wide smile on her face. You look at her and just nod in defeat.

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