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Discussing the plan again before Hyewon could arrived, you and Chaewon agreed at the roles each of you will do.

Thinking that in just a one wrong move you and Chaewon will be doomed, so you thought just do everything carefully as possible so you and Chaewon won't get caught together.

Making yourself comfortable inside the huge cabinet near their front door.

You decided to just hide there so If ever you will get caught you'll be able to run outside their house as far as you can knowing that the front door was just centimeters away from the cabinet.

" im warning you this cabinet is a livinghell " Chaewon said approaching you.

You look at her in shocked making her chuckled.

You don't know if she's messing with you or what she's saying is true.

She's very hard to read.

" Anyways give me a sign if she's coming out already " You said showing your phone at her in a silent mode so as her phone to make sure there will be no disturbance and any noise to get Hyewon's attention.

Chaewon nodded her head while listening to you she don't know why but she felt excited and nervous at the same time.

While you're now quietly sitting inside the cabinet, a question appear on Chaewon's mind, she keeps thinking over and over again.

" Can I ask something ? " You heard her said, you look at her from up since she's standing infront of you.

" Youre already asking but what is it ? "

" why do you help me this much ? " Chaewon asked you.

You smile.

You already know that the day will come she's going to asked you that question so you weren't shocked at it anymore.

" Is it bad to do the right thing ? " You asked her back.

Seeing her looking at the floor silently you decided to talk again.

" I just found myself wanting to help you " You continued making her to look at you.

Chaewon was thinking what if you get caught then You and Hyewon's friendship will broke apart, as far as she wanted she don't want that to happen.

She knows that you and Hyewon's friendship is too long than the months they've been together.

Chaewon shook her head ofcourse she was just curious on it, at first you weren't really interested on helping her to caught her girlfriend.

" It's just back then at the alley " Chaewon started confusing you.

Ofcourse you remember what happened to the alley, what happened back there was clearly painted on your mind, you always accidentally think of it everyday or let's say intentionally ?

Looking at her with confusion you don't know why is she bringing that up specially at this kind of situation.

" What about it ? " You asked her waiting patiently for her answer.

Trying to avoid eye contact with you as much as possible Chaewon keeps staring at the floor.

She can't find the right term to say what she wanted to say.

It just what happened back there at the alley keeps bothering her mind like what you're experiencing.

It's bothering her every night even in her sleep that she can't seem to get it off of her mind.

" I- " As she was about to say something both of you were startled when you heard a thud of a car's door outside.

" I think that's her " You said making Chaewon to look at you before looking at the front door which is just beside both of you.

Being confused of what was Chaewon trying to say you look at her not understanding anything.

" What were you trying to say ? " You asked her.

Chaewon look at you, she don't even know why did she brought that topic but she felt like she needed to.

" Let's talk later, now you hide " Chaewon said before closing the door of the cabinet not waiting for your response.

Chaewon started to inhale exhale trying to calm herself, she's really nervous right now.

Meanwhile you who's know inside the cabinet had been thinking of what will Chaewon wanted to say and what she's talking about.

It was really so sudden that it surprised you, you also thought of talking about what happened in there.

Just like Chaewon it's bothering you too a lot.

" What does she want to say ? " You mumbled asking yourself.

Shaking your head to erase that thoughts for now and just focused on your plan.

Thinking that what you're doing right now is against your friend, just thinking of the promise that you swear to do, it somehow feels you a little at ease.

Though you feel like Chaewon's the one cheating at Hyewon and you're that girl that she's with, like You're hiding on a hell cabinet to not get caught of the real girlfriend.


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