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And just like what the plan is.

Hyewon and Chaewon started talking about their misunderstanding this past days, talking and discussing each others point and opinions hoping that everything will go as what they wanted.

Though all those reasons, explanations and apologies that Hyewon keep saying at, isn't even working to Chaewon anymore.

It's because Chaewon already knows it's all just a lies and that she also started to feel like she's losing interest at Hyewon specially at their relationship.

This past 2 days, she's doing all of this plan because she wanted to know if Hyewon is really cheating at her or not so they could fix their relationship like what they used to be.

And now that she find out Hyewon's really cheating she started to realize what she's doing, that's not her reason anymore.

Now She only wanted to know who's that girl, not because she still love Hyewon, even her can feel herself that she's starting to fall out of love at her.

Not just because Hyewon won't give her the attention and care that she wanted and deserve but because she's cheating at her for a long time.

She's tired forcing herself to get Hyewon's attention knowing that she won't have it anymore.

She also realized something that she didn't expect her to feel and to happen.

" that's all, you can go home now " Chaewon stated after ending their discussions.

She was trying to make it short.

Remembering that you're still inside that Hell Cabinet where she experienced getting cooked alive.

Walking to the front door, Hyewon thought that everything ended well.

" My phone ? " Hyewon asked her girlfriend remembering that she haven't gave it back.

Chaewon look at the table beside both of them where her phone is, she grabbed the phone and gave it back to Hyewon.

" I noticed how uneasy you are when I take your phone " Chaewon blurted out, Hyewon look at her confusingly thinking that they just talk yet Chaewon is acting like that again.

" No, And I thought we talked about it already ? " Hyewon asked her.

" Lie low ? " Chaewon said making you cackled inside the cabinet, you know what does that supposed to mean and when you realized what did you just do.

Your eyes widened in shocked realizing they're still outside of that cabinet.

Hyewon divert her gaze at the cabinet beside her and Chaewon.

" Someone's in your wardrobe, I'll check it " You and Chaewon heard Hyewon said as Hyewon stood infront of it, grabbing the cabinet's handle.

Chaewon's eyes widened in shocked, she's now thinking how could she excuse this one, she only mess up of the plan once but now you're doing it twice.

But before Hyewon could even see what's inside the cabinet, her sights we're blocked when Chaewon stood infront and grabbed her hand forcedly dragging her girlfriend upstairs.

It was very sudden that Hyewon didn't have enough time to stopped her girlfriend before they could even arrived at the stairs.

Taking it as a chance to escape, you quickly leave the cabinet and run outside Chaewon's house to hide till Hyewon leave.

" What are you doing ?! " Hyewon asked her girlfriend who's now gripping her arm tight.

" There was a mouse I saw it " Chaewon said with her eye closed acting again like she's really scared.

Seeing her girlfriend like this, Hyewon sigh and just tapped Chaewon's hand motioning her to remove her grip since it's squeezing her arm real tight.

Chaewon remove her grip and followed Hyewon walking down the stairs approaching the cabinet again.

As she successfully opened it this time revealing no other things inside.

" Why ? " Chaewon asked her innocently while she's thinking where did you hide or run this time.

Hyewon look at her girlfriend and shake her head she thought that maybe she's just overthinking today.

" Nothing " Hyewon answered.

Chaewon look at her and hummed, she was glad that she excuse that one or else everything is over.

" I'll go now then " Hyewon said walking outside their house with Chaewon following her from behind.

" Okay " Chaewon said.

" Bye, Iloveyou " Her girlfriend said at her with a smile, not waiting for her response again she watch Hyewon walking away from their house.

Taking a glance at Chaewon from afar, Hyewon smiled seeing her girlfriend waving her hand to her.

As she disappeared clearly on Chaewon's sight.

Without knowing that the way of waving her hand had a double meaning not just because she's leaving but because they're about to break up once Chaewon find out what did you saw on her phone.


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