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" Excuse me ? " The lady said, you look at her with your eyes wide in shocked.

Gulping because of nervousness the lady approach you.

" Why did you throw a cake on my house ? My husband is a cop do you want to end up in jail for this ? " The lady asked.

Being unable to talk because of too much nervous.

Panicking internally already having no back up to save your ass to this lady, you thought that you should have asked one of your friends to join you instead of going alone.

" Im going to call my husband to get you if you won't answer my question " The lady said threatening you, you want to deny that it wasn't you who did it, that it just happened that she saw you infront of them at the same time.

But seeing her grabbing her phone on her pocket, you panicked more.

It's the first time you felt this scared, ofcourse it's your first time doing this thing and you thought you won't get in trouble but now you're in a very big trouble.

" How old are you ? " The lady asked, remaining silent not answering her question the lady starts to get impatient.

" Im talking to you, if you won't answer my questions I won't hesitate to call my husband right now " She continued sending chills to your spine thinking what will happen if you ended up in jail tonight.

Having no other choices left, you decided to say a very dumb word that you wouldn't dare to say again.

" Your- " You started while hesitating to say that sentence on your mind and you just hope that the lady have a daughter.

The girl look at you confusingly on what will you say.

Gulping for a hundred times.

You closed your eyes before deciding to say that sentence.

" Your daughter cheated on me "

" And i thought of getting my revenge for myself " You continued very lowly.

The lady look at you in shocked, not believing what did you just said.

Who wouldn't thought her daughter will cheat on a beautiful handsome girl like you her Daughter must be so dumb to do that thing.

Hearing no response to the lady, you open your eyes and saw her still looking at you.

" My daughter ? " The lady asked assuring if she heard it right.

You nodded your head at her before taking a glance at the mess on their door which you did.

Having lots of thoughts that maybe that sentence didn't work for her, that you got it wrong, that she don't even have a daughter or a child gives you anxiety.

" Hold on, Wait me outside of my house and Don't even try to run or I'll hunt you " The lady warned you before approaching their messy door.

Stepping on some pieces of the delicious cake, the lady hold the door knob and twist it feeling the sticky of the icing of the cake on her hand.

Reaching inside their house the lady shouted something that you heard clearly and it just makes you more nervous.

Attempting to run, you felt like your feet are glued on the ground.

You can't move, maybe because of too much nervousness.

" Chaewon! your ex just throwed a cake on our door!! " The lady shouted.

panicking at what you just heard,

You grab your phone and message your friends quickly.

Receiving no other reply from one of them

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Receiving no other reply from one of them. You gulp thinking what will you do now.

Her daughter who's named is Chaewon has been staying on her bedroom for hours, waiting for her girlfriend's message who haven't message her even in the morning.

Hearing her Mom shouting something from downstairs she wasn't able to heard it clearly because she's to focused on her phone.

" Why ? " She asked her Mom, who just opened her room's door slamming it very loud startling her.

" Tell me why did you cheated on a very handsome beautiful girl ? " Her Mom asked her making her frown and confused what is her Mom saying.

Her Mom just arrived from work and now she was welcomed by a question out of nowhere that she have no idea where did her Mom get it.

Being confused at what her Mom is saying. She look at her with confusion.

" Outside, your ex is waiting " She said before leaving her daughter on her room.

She's confused what does that supposed to mean.

Chaewon threw her phone on her bed before getting of her bed as she walk downstairs till she reach the front of their door.

Seeing a unfamiliar girl behind her Mom.

She started thinking What does her Mom supposed to mean.

She have a girlfriend but she don't have a ex.

Being more curious at what's happening look at her mom and look at you confusingly, she have no idea, why would her Mom accused her for cheating.

and once she was able to look at your face fully, she look at you having no idea who you are.

She don't even recall meeting you once.

Glancing outside, she show a scattered pieces of a cake on their door and on the ground before getting dragged outside their house when her Mom grab her hand.

She wasn't able to stop her Mom since it's too late, she was too occupied thinking what the hell is happening.

Approaching you with her arms crossed, and deadly glare it just makes you more nervous and scared with that girl's presence.

You thought that she's on the urge to skin you alived after messing their door.

How can she be someone's ex ? as far as she remember she only have a one girlfriend who's she's with now.

She thought that maybe it's just a misunderstanding and she'll just clear it up by telling you to leave.


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