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Arriving at Chaewon's house.

You knocked on their door and even ring their doorbell many times, still there's no sign of someone opening the door infront of you.

You chuckled before deciding to open the door it's not lock after all.

And as soon as you step your foot inside their house, you heard someone cleared their throat coming from behind.

You look at your back seeing Chaewon's Mom behind their door.

" After you throw a cake on our house, you're now sneaking in, inside " Her Mom said.

You stand straightly getting nervous all of the sudden.

Just where the hell is Chaewon to save your ass from her Mom again.

" You got it wrong Maam, Im not sneaking in but it's kinda like that " You said. Her Mom just raised an eyebrow at you.

No wonder why Chaewon looks scary sometimes, because her Mom is scary too.

" Your Daughter and I need to go somewhere I've been knocking on the door and pressing the doorbell but no one didn't open the door "

Her Mom look at you with her arms crossed.

Looking at her clothes you can tell that her Mom is on her way to leave their house for work and it's a bad timing that you enter their house the time that she's about to leave.

" But that doesn't mean you can enter inside our house like that " She scolded you.

" Im sorry " You apologized bowing your head.

As a sigh escaped on her Mom you look at her direction thinking if she's going to kick you out.

" What brings you here anyways ? " She asked you.

Thinking if you should tell her about your plan today together with her daughter.

her Mom still don't know that you and Chaewon are already together and it's been 6 months when that thing happened in the park.

You and Chaewon's life became a pure joy, happy, fun, and full of teases.

There's no any other problem on your relationship, your friends and the others who supported your relationship, before you could even get together already find it out.

Specially the whole students at the school.

Some became envy at Chaewon for being so lucky to have you, but they didn't know you're the one who's lucky to have her.

" Ah, your Daughter and I have plans today " You answered, her Mom's forehead wrinkled.

Last time she saw you was the day you throw a cake in their door saying that you did that because her daughter cheated on you and now you're saying that you and her daughter have plans today.

It makes her confused.

" Didn't she cheated on you ? "

Getting caught off guard by her Mom's question you chuckled remembering what you reasoned out for her daughter to help you escape from her Mom when infact her Mom was just lying that she's going to put you in jail with the help of her husband.

" Ah, I gave her another chance " You reasoned out.

Her Mom nodded her head at you, she don't want to ask more questions since she can see that you're getting awkward and scared at her.

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