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After finding out that Hyewon is really cheating, Chaewon decided to take you with her on their house, it's a good place to talk about your next plan to caught Hyewon and the unknown girl.

" Are you sure it's fine for me to enter your house after I mess with your door ? " You asked Chaewon who's now walking on their kitchen.

You and Chaewon just arrived at their house, since both of you haven't eaten lunch, she decided to invite you to their house and join her for lunch as a way for showing how thankful she is.

Because she know that if it weren't because of your help, she won't be able to find out if her girlfriend is cheating or not.

" I think it's fine if you won't do that again! " You heard her shouted.

Entering their house after taking off your shoes, it's your first time to enter someone's house specially to someone that you just met yesterday.

Deciding to look around their house, it was really cozy and fancy everything is organized very well on the colors of the wall is very fascinating.

Looking for Chaewon, you saw her on their kitchen already cooking something and just with the smell you can guess that it's a meat.

" Your house is good " You said and Chaewon heard it, Looking at her back to look at you, she saw you sitting on a chair while staring at a canvas painting that's hang on their wall.

" Is the painting beautiful ? " Chaewon asked you while she's continuing to cook.

You Look at her direction before looking back at the painting.

The painting was really beautiful, there are a tree in the middle, the left side is painted as sunset and the right side is painted like a starry night.

" Yeah it is, but if you're the one who painted it I won't believe that " You said.

Chaewon scoffed before putting the meat on a plate when it's cook already, she then placed a plate, fork and spoon for the both of you on the table.

Taking a sit on the chair infront of you Chaewon look at the painting.

That painting was very special to her.

" Hyewon and I painted it " Chaewon said, making you to look at her in shocked.

" I think it was the first time when we decided to go on a art museum then we painted that together it was a special day for me but I guess not anymore " She continued, feeling how sad she is you decided to tease her to change the mood.

" Is that so ? the painting is worst, I bet im more good than the both of you " You said teasing her, Chaewon glared at you before giving you a plate, fork and a spoon.

" I don't usually cook for someone but here thankyou for helping me " Chaewon said very fast like she was rapping.

It was against her will to say that to you but since you really helped her a lot today she decided to drop those words.

" Sorry what ? I didn't catched that you're talking too fast " You asked her innocently, but the truth is you really understand it, you just want to hear it again to tease her.

Chaewon look at you and sigh before deciding to say the word that she said again.

" I said I don't usually cook for someone but thankyou for helping me " She said with a normal speed, giving her a smile and a nod saying that you get it.

You show your phone to her before playing the record of her saying that again.

Chaewon's eye's widened in shocked she just can't believe that she just get fooled and it was really embarrassing for her to tell and hear that again.

" Ops, I accidentally click the record button " You joked at her, Chaewon glared at you.

" Just eat already " She told you with a tone of annoyance. You shake your head earning a raised of an eyebrow from her.

" Feed me Im your ex " You whined teasing her again.

Chaewon scoffed before dropping the spoon on the table.

" You know what, just leave my house I changed my mind you're not going to eat here " She said sternly, hearing what she just said your hands move on its own, you quickly grab a pieces of meat that she cut and the rice that she cooked.

Grabbing a spoonful of it you put it inside your mouth.

" Im eating " You said, Chaewon scoffed again deciding to just let you eat, well she can't do anything you already eat so what else can she do, she can't just kick you out of their house because you helped her a lot.

She's thankful for your help but she don't know how to show it.


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