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Before she could even speak, Her Mom tapped her shoulder motioning her that she's going inside their house first.

" I'll just changed, wait me here together with your ex " Her Mom said before opening their door again and enter inside with some pieces of the cake under her shoes.

Unable to see her Mom anymore, the girl look at you quickly.

The moment that her Mom left, you've been thinking how would you excused yourself to her daughter which is standing infront of you right now.

" Please I was just dared to do this "

" please pretend that were exes and that you cheated on me " You begged at her.

Having no other choices left, you could only think that if her daughter will help you, then you'll get out of this situation and won't end up sleeping behind of bars tonight.

The girl look at you judging you from head to toe, receiving no answers from the girl you look at her.

" Please please I don't want to go to jail " You begged again thinking if it would work this time and if she will agreed to play along.

But receiving a shake of a head from her, your hands dropped automatically, after begging multiple times it didn't work.

You don't like begging for something and this is your first time doing it and it didn't went well.

The girl who's named is Chaewon began to think of it, she was very ready to deny what you just said from her Mom,

since she's really having a bad day after receiving no messages from her girlfriend it just makes her pissed more after getting into your situation.

" no, i don't want too " she said before turning her back at you.

Why would she get herself involved on something that she didn't even do specially that she didn't even know what's happening.

Seeing how rude the girl is you mumbled something that she heard clearly.

" You have no mercy " You mumbled intentionally.

You already have a plan on your mind if she still won't agreed then your willing to lie at her Mom no matter what happened.

Hearing what you just mumbled the girl look at you annoyed.

" Excuse Me ? " She asked. ," The way is huge " You answered, annoying her.

The girl scoffed before giving you a glare.

" You caused trouble for yourself and you're telling me I have no mercy ?! " 

Just thinking about what you just said, it makes her more pissed.

" I won't change my mind " She continued.

And just like what you expected her to answer, you smiled thinking everything is going on smoothly.

You just need to risk your kindness for lying that's the only way you could think of.

" fine, I'll just say that you're too embarrassed to admit it " You said making her to look at you.

You don't want to ended on jail just because of your friends dare and you're sure that they're just going to laugh there ass at you.

Speaking of them, receiving no any replies from them, your guts are right they all fell asleep inside Jihyo's house in the living room after waiting for you for too long.

They wanted to follow you already but they don't know which houses did you went since there's hundred of Houses around Jihyo's house.

" I'll make up everything and every details if it's needed " 

The time that she was about to talk again, you and her daughter heard the door open revealing her Mom already on her new clothes.

Jumping out their door to avoid the cake on the floor careful not step on it her Mom starts to approach both of you.

" Is this girl your ex ? " Her Mom asked Chaewon, her daughter.

Her daughter look at you deadly, if she says no, she's sure the conversation with this topic will grew longer, that it might get too much heated and will put her more in trouble.

She didn't want to do it, but thinking of what you just said earlier, she knows what will you do once she denied being your ex.

Having no other choices, Chaewon gave you a glare and nodded her head answering her Mom's question.

And with just a nod coming from her, you sigh in relief thinking that you won't sleep in jail tonight.


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