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2 days already past after you ate on Chaewon's house and it's been 3 days when that thingy happened on that alley.

Yet you don't know why the hell does that image keep appearing on your mind.

Chaewon keep asking you if you're free for the past 2 days and you keep saying you can't because you have lots of things needed to do specially for getting ready at Monday.

Chaewon understand that, well ofcourse she needed to prepare too for the upcoming start of the classes.

Everything is already prepared since you already bought the things that you will use so is Chaewon.

Yuri and you bump each other again on a mall so you ended up joining her because you have the same reasons why you're inside a mall and you have fun with her accompany.

And now today is Sunday.

Checking the time on your phone, you sigh thinking if you will call Chaewon today because your next plan is perfect to do tonight.

Without thinking, you decided to call Chaewon and without even a seconds she answers the call.


You greeted her.

hey, why did you call ?

planning to tell you my next plan

As Chaewon's eyes widened in shocked.

She've been staying at her bed thinking if she should call you or not, to ask you what's your next plan yet she didn't expect you'll call her first and answer her question without her even asking you.

Chaewon sat up on her bed, she don't know why but she's getting nervous all of the sudden.

ok, what is it ?

You heard her asked on the other line.

Anyways before that Can't you just break up with her ?

You asked while you're heading towards your kitchen to drink some water and after that you leave your house to head somewhere.

Chaewon who seems thinking what did you just said, she was caught off guard of your question.

All of the sudden ?

You heard her asked.

Nevermind, the plan is ask her to visit if she wants to talk about your relationship

that's it ?

Chaewon asked you but hearing no other response on the other line. She can only hear some vehicles honking and some weird noises.

where are you ?

hello ?

are you outside ?

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