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Waking up early in the morning, as soon as you open your eyes you smile and burst into laughter.

Remembering what happened last night and the other day makes you laugh this early.

You have fun hanging out with Yuri, it was really fun that both of you ended up staying late outside  walking around and playing.

It was really exhausting but enjoyable.

You remember Yuri fell on her butt when she joined you in the ice rink.

It's really embarrassing that some of the people who saw that laugh's at her and ofcourse she's really embarrassed that she even hide from your back the whole hour in the rink.

Yuri is very fun to hangout with and you noticed that everyday you and Yuri get more closed to each other.

But the thing that makes you really laugh this morning is Chaewon, The question she asked you that night keeps repeating in your mind.

It was unforgettable.

Deciding to stand on your bed and get ready for school since it's Monday.

You can't wait to tease Chaewon about it because after that she never messaged you again, maybe because she's embarrassed.

Well who wouldn't.

She asked you and you answered " no, wait for it ".

It takes a lot of courage for Chaewon to do that and you're not aware of how hard it was for her to ask.

Like she wanted to burry herself alive right infront of you that day, after you said that you just leave her alone in their house chuckling.

After getting ready, you quickly drag yourself on the school, once you enter inside the building some students are already greeting you and you just gave them a nod so you won't look rude at them.

Approaching the stairs on the ground floor.

You saw bunch of student's standing infront of the school's note board, shaking your head Continuing to walk, maybe there's just an announcement or they're just checking if they pass in the club that they went.

And about that Yuri and Chaewon pass so they're one of you now.

Entering inside the classroom after getting squeeze by the crowd because they keep following you like you're a celebrity.

You saw Wonyoung sitting at the back seat while the seat beside you is empty, when you saw a bag you thought that maybe Chaewon went somewhere.

" Where's the dog ? " You asked Wonyoung approaching your seat as you face her from the back.

Wonyoung look at you and chuckled she's sure that Yujin is the dog you're talking about.

" She's with your girlfriend " Wonyoung said making you confused.

" Girlfriend ? " You asked her and she hummed as a response.

You were clueless who's she's talking about, as far as you know you still don't have a girlfriend amd you're still single.

When Wonyoung noticed that you became quiet she chuckled before pointing at the seat infront of her, you finally get it.

She's talking about Chaewon but she's still not you're girlfriend, soon to be maybe ?

" Our Teacher called them to grab something in the office im sure they'll be back in a minute " Wonyoung said, you nod and face the front to grab something on your bag.

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