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Hearing what Hyewon just said you thought maybe she left already and now you're thinking what will happened to you next.

You think that your time for living at this planet will be lessen.

You weren't actually doing what most of the people would think just by seeing you and Chaewon's position like what Hyewon just thought of.

You just really have no other choices left but to do that and knowing that it works makes you sigh silently in relief.

You can't risk everything to get caught just because Chaewon tripped.

Your faces are just inch apart, and your lips that are almost touching each other, both of you could even felt each others breath on your skin.

You didn't even realize that You and Chaewon are already staring at each others eyes.

Chaewon even stopped breathing the moment she saw how close your face was to her.

It was something that she didn't predicted.

She never felt something like this before even from her girlfriend, she was just once kiss by her girlfriend in her lips and that's the time when she answered Hyewon a yes after courting her.

Their love story was very happy and she thought it will last forever.

But what's happening right now, she have no idea that something like that could happened even if they're happy with each other.

She's even thinking if there's something that she's lacking off or if something's wrong with her, for Hyewon to decided to cheat at her.

She thought that their love for each other was very sweet but she didn't know things like this could happened with just a blink.

You, who've been staring back at her eyes couldn't hide what are you feeling right now.

Your heart beating fast for the first time as if it's going to burst out on your body.

You're liking the way how she stared at your eyes, you don't know how to describe it but you like that feeling.

A feeling that you never felt before.

It's the first time to for you and Chaewon to be so close at each other like this ever since you met each other.

And that's when you realized that you've been spending most of your time with Chaewon rather than spending your time alone on your house or with your friends.

Hearing Chaewon gasped for air, takes you back to reality.

" That was close " You spoke before moving away from her removing your hands on her waist while she did the same.

" You we're close " Chaewon mumbled.

" What ? " You asked getting startled at her response.

Even Chaewon herself is surprised of what she just said, she didn't expect that will come out at her mouth and for sure she got carried away.

" I mea-n "

She started thinking how will she escape on what she just said.

" Hyewon she was close " She reasoned out.

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