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Hours already passed when you and Chaewon arrived at her house to do your assignments together but it seems like you're the only one who's doing the assignment.

Taking a quick glance at Chaewon who's now head leaned on the table sleeping quietly.

You can't believe that she just fell asleep like that, she even offered you earlier that you can take a sleep then she'll do the rest of the assignments yet who's sleeping right now.

Looking back at the paper infront of you.

You sighed.

You love physics yet you're still struggling to think of how you will answer it, you really forgot on how to solve that specific subject and that's how school works anyway.

Attending classes the whole day full of knowledge but leaving the school empty minded. You don't know why but you barely act like this.

Usually once you read the question you'll be able to answer it quickly but now you seems distracted by something and you don't know what is it.

You were able to finish the rest of the assignments from the other subjects. Grabbing the ballpen again as you played with it on your fingers, you keep reading the question over and over again.

You understand the question but you're still thinking how would you solve it, while thinking of a way on how to answer the remaining assignments but those are already easy so it will be quick.

Heaving a sigh. You felt your head's starting to ache already which is not a good thing. You're lacking of sleep yet you're overworking yourself.

Remembering that you and Chaewon are just on the same class, your assignments are also the same so you thought that maybe Chaewon can just copy your answer and that is if she agreed.

" Stressed already ? " Chaewon asked while staring at you as she yawned softly.

That was a good nap for her, she wasn't able to take a very good nap because of thinking too much and now she's glad, that she felt like she just restored some energy.

Flinching when Chaewon talked all of the sudden, you cleared your throat you didn't even notice that Chaewon's up already.

" you're awake " You mumbled before starting to write the solution that you're sure of. Chaewon nodded her head.

" How long you've been awake ? " You asked her still eyes focused at the paper infront of you.

" Just four minutes ? " Chaewon answered with a tone of asking since even her was unsure.

" You're telling me you've been awake and watching me do our assignments for four minutes ? " You asked her, you're clueless that only if Chaewon didn't even speak you still won't know that she's awake already.

Chaewon hummed as a response. It's true that she's watching you doing the assignment, she can't help it.

Taking a glance at her from your peripheral vision you can clearly see that she's staring at you right now.

" No wonder I feel very pressured " You joked.

You're grade are higher than the Teacher's, usually at every subjects your grade always went up 95 plus but ofcourse there are still times that you struggle on a subject but you were able to solve it.

Feeling offended at what you just said Chaewon scoffed.

" I didn't mean to do that! I was just wondering how you would look like while focused on working onto something! " Chaewon retorted.

She find it amusing seeing how concentrated you are while doing the assignments which she should be doing too, and she felt a little bad that she've been staring at you rather than helping you to solve the assignments together.

Understanding what did she said, your eyes widened in shocked.

Chaewon has been straightforwardly today specially at the park and now, that even her didn't realized she've been speaking out some words that she shouldn't have said.

It's like her mouth speaks on its own.

You didn't expect her to do that while you're busy focusing answering and solving your assignments.

Deciding to not responsed, you just hummed before continuing to answer the last question for your assignment in physics.

The last question was easy so you were able to solve and answer it quickly.

Taking a glance beside you, Chaewon is sleeping again. You smile thinking if maybe she didn't get enough of sleep this past days.

Checking the time on your phone it's late already and you need to go home before her Mom could arrived.

Fixing her notebook on the table, while you put yours on your bag.

You already rewrite your answers on Chaewon's notebooks, it was quick since you don't need to think again.

Seeing a sticky note on beside her study table. You grab a one pad before writing something and when you're done. You paste the note on top of her notebook so she'll be able to see it.

Standing carefully to the chair making sure it won't make a sound so Chaewon won't wake up. You sigh in relief when you're able to not make a noise.

Taking a one last glance at her you decided to approach her bed and grab her blanket.

Approaching her, you put the blanket on top of her carefully making sure she won't get cold while she's sleeping.

And at last approaching her room's door, you leave her room carefully not forgetting to close the door as you walk downstairs to approach their front door, leaving their house you lock the front door making sure no one will be able to enter inside while she's sleeping.

Who knows something might happen while she's asleep.

As you start walking away from their house, a smile is formed on your lips, you don't know if it's right or not but you felt like you're starting to fall inlove with your friend's ex girlfriend.


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