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" Have you been here before ? " You asked her noticing how she wondered her eyes on the place.

Chaewon look at you and shake her head.

She haven't went at this place, though she knows that this place is very popular.

She can't believe it's more beautiful seeing it in personal than the pictures she saw online.

" What was the name again ? " She asked as both of you continued walking to the top.

" Naksan Park " You answered before stopping and she did the same.

Chaewon can't just stop wondering her eyes around the park it was beautiful. She can clearly see the downtown from the top of the Park.

Deciding to climb on the wall, you take a sit and face the sun that's starting to set.

The skies have turned into orange mixed with purple and pink, it's one of the things you wanted too watch everyday in your life.

" Are you afraid of heights ? " You asked her, Chaewon look up at you and shake her head.

" Not at all " She answered before approaching you.

Extending your hand to help her climb, she sat on the space beside you and face the view infront.

Grabbing your phone to take a photo of the view, Chaewon did the same.

She can't miss to take a picture of the beautiful sunset while she's on top of the park.

It's her first time being on this place so it will be memorable for her.

Noticing how focused she is you face your phone on her direction, as you take a photo of her secretly but Chaewon caught you.

" You can just asked me if you want to take a picture of me " You heard her said.

You scoffed shaking your head as you put your phone down.

" Who told you that I am taking a picture of you I was just taking a picture from the back " You reasoned out.

Chaewon look at you and chuckled. It was clearly visible that you were taking a picture of her but you still said you weren't, it just make her chuckled that you already get caught yet you still denied it.

" Oh she's still texting you ? " You asked her seeing Hyewon's name appearing on her phone's screen.

Chaewon look at you and hide her phone quickly.

" Yeah, Been days since we broke up and she still won't accept my decision " Chaewon answered as she kept her phone inside her pocket.

" Let me reply "

" What ? " Chaewon asked you.

She was startled with your idea, she knows what you can do and it doesn't sound like a good idea for her.

Plus she's aware that you don't like Hyewon even if she's your friend, specially after what she just did to you.

" No, it's okay " Chaewon insisted.

You look at her and shake your head extending your hand asking for her phone.

" I'll reply to her, she just don't know when to stop " You said, Chaewon stare at you looking at your hand.

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