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Waking up early in the morning after receiving a message from Chaewon saying that she wanted to treat you some breakfast after what you've done yesterday.

Walking towards the place where Chaewon told you to go, you already saw her inside the café, waiting.

Entering inside you waved your hand at Chaewon for her to see you, but you're just welcomed by a rolled of her eyes.

You scoffed deciding to approach the table where she is, as you take the seat infront of her.

" So ? how's the date ? " You asked her while looking at the menu infront of you. Chaewon smile and you saw it.

" Did you have fun with your date ? " You asked her again before telling the waiter your order and Chaewon did the same.

" Well yeah, that unknown plan of yours really worked " Chaewon said answering your question, and you nod at her.

" That's good to hear "

Chaewon look at you still thinking what did you do at her girlfriend for her to act like that.

She've been thinking that the whole night that she didn't even have a proper sleep because of it.

" I don't know what did you do but it's really working like what the hell did you even do ? , really ? " Chaewon said asking you about your plan again.

You chuckled expecting her to asked you that today.

Well ofcourse you want her to know what did you do for her girlfriend to act like that, but knowing that Hyewon is only doing because of it, it makes you think twice if you should tell her or not.

Deciding to do something.

You grab your phone and message Hyewon, chuckling at what you just message at her you look at Chaewon.

" I bet your girlfriend is going to ask you out tonight " You said making her to look at you confusingly, but before she could even asked you what are you talking about

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" I bet your girlfriend is going to ask you out tonight " You said making her to look at you confusingly, but before she could even asked you what are you talking about.

She received a message from her girlfriend.

She look at you who's now drinking the ice coffee that you order since it just arrived including Chaewon's order.

Deciding to check what did her girlfriend message at her. Her eyes widened in shocked.

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