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After you walked downstairs, You and Chaewon started eating already and ofcourse teasing each other never left the table.

" You don't eat tofu ? " Chaewon asked you.

Finding out that you don't eat it she can't believe that you don't eat tofu when most of the people loves them.

Realizing that she cooked a tofu stew makes her disappointed at herself.

She should have asked you first before she decided to cook.

" Is this Tofu stew ? " You asked her back ignoring her question.

Chaewon gave you a small smile and nod.

" If you don't eat tofu then just don't eat that, it might makes you feel sick " Chaewon said while eating.

While you're thinking if you should eat the tofu stew or not.

You keep glancing at Chaewon time to time, You really hate tofu a lot that you can't bare seeing it infront of you.

But seeing that Chaewon really put an effort to cook you some lunch makes you feel bad and guilty.

Letting out a silent sigh, you grab a spoon with your trembling hands, you haven't tasted a tofu since before.

Even though you know how healthier and good it is for your body, you can't really eat it.

When Chaewon noticed that you keep staring at the tofu stew that she made, she bit her lower lip feeling a little bad.

Ofcourse somehow it'll hurt her feelings since she really put an effort to cook yet you don't eat tofu.

" It's fine, you don't need to force yourself to eat it " You heard Chaewon said making you to look at her direction quickly.

Seeing her giving you a small smile makes you really guilty.

Taking a lump of your saliva as you gulped multiple times.

You grabbed a bowl and put some tofu stew that she made as Chaewon watch you confusingly thinking what are you doing.

" I'll eat it " You said gulping the stew without waiting for her response.

Chaewon's eye's widened, she can't believe what did she just see, you said you don't like tofu yet you're eating the tofu stew that she cook.

Once you're done gulping the stew Chaewon became worried.

" Are you okay ? " She asked you.

You look at her and nod before smiling.

" It's not bad as I thought " You said making her to look at you confusingly.

" What ? " She asked.

You smile before putting more tofu stew on your bowl making her more confused.

" It's good " You said, " Really ?, I thought you hate tofu ? " Chaewon asked you confusingly.

You look at her and nod.

" I do hate tofu but I won't hate this one, besides I don't want to feel make you bad for not eating this you put too much effort " You said explaining what your point is earning a wide smile from her.

" Are you sure ? " She asked you again and you nod before eating the tofu stew that she cooked.

It's really not bad as you thought, though you really hate tofu somehow you don't know why you won't hate the tofu stew that she made.

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