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Starting the first subject's for today's morning, you still can't believe that Chaewon is your classmate, so is she.

You've been listening to your teacher quietly ever since he started discussing.

While Chaewon who seems to distracted, she don't know why does she keep looking at your direction time to time, Yujin and Wonyoung who's sitting at your back, even saw it.

And they've been dying of too much sweetness, they wanted to left the room and tell your other friends about it.

Chaewon can't focused on the class but whenever the teacher asked something, she always nodded her head even though she didn't understand even a single thing.

She don't know if it's because your distracting her just by sitting quietly beside her or it's because she haven't taken a lot of sleep last night for thinking too much.

Feeling a tap at your shoulder, you look at your back seeing Yujin and Wonyoung giving you a teasing smile.

" What ? " You mumbled at both of them.

Yujin and Wonyoung shaked their heads still giving you that teasing smile.

You don't know what's that smile supposed to mean but you know they're up to something.

" Verna "

Hearing your name being called you look back infront seeing your teacher looking at you.

" Yes ? " You asked the teacher before standing on your seat, startling Chaewon who's sitting beside you.

She have no idea what's happening, since she's too focused looking at you.

" Can you tell me why the sky is blue ? " He asked you, looking at the board to see that physics is your subject this time.

You look at him thinking if you should answer his question logically or scientifically. But remembering the subject is Physics you decided to answer it scientifically.

" The sky is blue due to a phenomenon called Raleigh scattering, This scattering refers to the scattering of electromagnetic radiation which light is a form by particles of a much smaller wavelength, These shorter wavelengths correspond to blue hues, hence why when we look at the sky, we see it as blue " You answered as your classmates look at you in shocked.

Your teacher is just giving you a smile already expecting that you're going to answer his question very right.

Deciding to asked you another question, you started to get pissed at him, you know that he's not asking you that because he don't know the answer but because he's showing the students that you're smart enough for all of them.

And you hate those kind of teachers who always boasted you.

" What is physics ? " He asked you.

" Physics is the natural science that studies matter, its fundamental constituents, its motion and behavior through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force. Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, and its main goal is to understand how the universe behaves " You said answering his question again.

But before he could talk again, you talk.

" and please no more other question, ask the others " You continued shutting him off. You take a sit looking at the book on your table.

You can feel all their gazes are on yours, and the room was filled with an awkward atmosphere.

Yujin and Wonyoung who's now worried at you, they gave the teacher a glared.

He gulp and let out an awkward chuckle before continuing his class making sure that the other students will be able to receive a question from him but ofcourse not all of them can answer the question.

Chaewon who's taking a glance at you from time to time, it's her first time to see you acting like this, you didn't do anything wrong, even her  agreed at what did you just said and she just can't believe that you're really smart which she didn't believe at first.

Continuing the class, before the morning class could end, all of you voted on who will be the president and vice president of your class since your teacher said that it's needed.

At first the students nominated you to be the president, you win after getting all of their votes except Yujin and Wonyoung who didn't vote for you because they know you don't like that idea.

After getting lots of votes as the president, you declined the role making them confused, you didn't say any explanation why but you suggested that Yujin will be the president which Yujin accepted.

They were all confused why but decided to just accept your decision.

And for the Vice President turns out Chaewon was the one who take that position after you nominated her to be the Vice President, and now that the morning class is over you remember that you, Yujin and Wonyoung will take the Music Club this year.

Leaving the classroom for lunch the three of you decided to went at the Music Club room, while walking you saw Chaewon outside of another room waiting for someone.

Deciding to approach her, Yujin and Wonyoung just watched and followed you.

" Hey " You said standing beside her near the door. Chaewon look at you and nod.

" What are you doing here ? " You asked her while looking inside the classroom.

" waiting for A friend of mine " Chaewon answered and you hummed, as soon as you saw a familiar figure approaching you, your eyes widened in shocked thinking if she's that friend she's talking about.

" Yuri " You said calling her, Chaewon look at you in shocked.

Approaching the 4 of you, Yuri smile and wave her hand at you.

" You guys know each other ? " You, Chaewon and Yuri asked in unison making Yujin and Wonyoung to burst into a silent laughter.

Asking that question, the 3 of you nod your head in unison too.

" How ? " Chaewon asked, you look at Yuri trying to gave her a sign if you should tell it or not but Yuri shake her head making you nod.

" Long story " Yuri answered her, Chaewon just nod at her, but still curious on how did both of you met each other, so is Yuri who's also confused on how did you and Chaewon know each other.

" Anyways where are you guys going ? " You asked them.

" Music club, we're planning to join that club " Yuri answered you a smile, you smile and stand straight before looking at the 2 idiots at your back.

You look at Yuri and Chaewon again.

" That's great, we're going to that room too, how about we go there together if you don't mind ? " You asked the both of them.

Chaewon and Yuri take a glance at each other, before nodding at you.

You smile, and showed them your 2 friends at your back.

" This is Yujin and Wonyoung anyways " You said introducing your friend at them, Yujin and Wonyoung greeted them warmly.

As the 5 of you walk towards the Music Club Room together, with Yujin and Wonyoung who keeps entertaining Yuri and Chaewon, you gasped silently remembering something.

" Shit "


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