Chapter 7

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Jungkook felt his heart beating violently against his chest.

Tae sat next to him and grabbed his knee. "Are you okay?"

"There were so many," he whispered. His hand reached up to his hair and he pushed it away from his eyes, revealing a slight cut right above his eyebrow. He hissed softly as he touched it.

Instantly concerned, Tae leaned forward. "What happened?"

Jungkook shook his head, pushing Tae's hand away. "Just a girl who tried to come close." He remembered one of the bodyguards, pushing her away as she had tried to grab him. All he saw were her long, red painted nails, but the next moment she was gone.

His finger touched the cut again. It wasn't bleeding. He was fine.

Tae tried to look closer, but Jungkook waved dismissively. "I'm fine," he assured.

"Everybody wants a piece of the Most Wanted Bachelor," Yoongi said dryly and then slid down to lay his head against the headrest.

"I'd rather stay in one piece," Jungkook muttered.

"We might have to upgrade our protection again," RM said. "I don't know how the fans always seem to find out when and where we land." He turned towards one of the bodyguards, sitting in the front passenger seat to discuss something.

Jungkook inhaled slowly to try and regulate his nervous breathing. As he exhaled, he rubbed his hands together and noticed his fingers were trembling. He loved his fans, but these type of meetings felt like an ambush and they were a lot to take in. And after the six hour flight, he was ready to retreat into his hotel room and enjoy some peace and quiet.

During the flight, he'd started writing the lyrics to a new song. Perhaps he could continue writing in his room. It usually helped put his mind at ease.

"Are you guys hungry?" The bodyguard in the front seat held up his phone. "I could call in and have the hotel get something ready for you?"

"That would be awesome, yes," RM said as he turned to his band members. "What do you all want?"

The bodyguard jotted down their orders on a piece of paper, then called the other van to get the orders of Jin, Hobi and Jimin.

"Get something for you guys as well," RM said, as the bodyguard rang the hotel.

He held up his thumb, signaling he'd heard RM and then proceeded to order the requested food. "And could you make sure they have a sealed off room where they can eat peacefully? That would be great."

Jungkook followed Yoongi's example and slid down to lay his head against the headrest. He then closed his eyes and continued to calmly breathe in and out.

Tae's hand was still on his knee, softly squeezing him for comfort.

When the van stopped in front of the hotel, Jungkook glanced through the tinted windows. He knew no one would see him, but still he couldn't help but try and stay hidden from sight. There didn't seem to be any fans waiting for them here.

"Only a few within the management knew which hotel we'd be in," Yoongi told him. "There won't be any fans. Not just yet anyway."

Jungkook nodded as the bodyguard jumped out of the passenger seat to open the back door and let the guys out.

RM came to stand next to him, quickly pushing the hair away from his eyebrow so he could see the cut above his eyebrow. "Make sure someone looks at that and treats it accordingly," he ordered. "It might look small, but even small wounds can infect and cause problems. Alright?"

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