Chapter 59

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"Jaykayyyy!" Hobi grabbed Jungkook and pulled him into a bearhug. "How are you doing? Did you have a good rest?"

"Seeing as he went on Vlive, rest wasn't a top priority for our Maknae," Tae said, as he tried to tickle Jungkook. "So, a woman in your life, eh? Who is she? Spill it."

"Guys, let him go. Let's sit down for a minute."

The tone of Namjoon's voice was that of a true leader. Jungkook instantly recognized the implications; this was going to be a serious conversation.

He scraped his throat as he followed the guys to the large kitchen table, where Yoongi was already seated. They locked eyes for a moment as Jungkook took the seat next to him, and Yoongi twitched the left side of his lips up into a half smile.

Jungkook's heart was beating fast. This was the first time they'd actually all sat together since he had switched back into his own body. He didn't feel like the same Jungkook anymore.

Too much had changed in those ten days. But how could he explain that without sounding like he had completely lost his mind?

Namjoon sat across from him, eyeing him carefully. He waited until everyone was seated before speaking up. "First... Jungkook, how are you doing? Have you had enough rest today?"

Jungkook nodded.

"How do you feel about the concert tomorrow? Are you up for it?"

"Yes. I want to do it. I don't care if it means that I sit on a chair the whole show, but I want to get back to giving concerts and connect with ARMY."

Namjoon nodded. "I thought you'd say that. So, I've asked someone from our medical staff to be present tomorrow to guide you through the concert. I want you to take their advice and take it easy. We can't have a repeat of what happened in London."

Jungkook nodded slowly, feeling a small sting as he remembered that night. The tiredness. The pain. And then... everything turning dark as he had lost consciousness. Fear slowly crept up inside his chest, causing him to breathe shallow.

He pushed the memory away. "I don't want that either," he then said. "Whatever the physician says tomorrow, I'll do it. As long as I can be on that stage."

"Good." He looked at the other guys making sure they had nothing to add, before turning back to Jungkook. "Then there's this other matter we need to address-"

"I know I messed up!" Jungkook pushed his hands through his hair. "It was a spur of the moment thing, but I needed to do it. Please don't be mad at me!"

"Whoa, back up a little," Tae said, holding up his hands. "No one's mad at you. We're just..."

"Confused," Jimin ended as he leaned over the table to tap on Jungkook's hand. "It's just that we never saw a woman while we were in the hospital, and we were there most of the time. So, you must understand that this news kind of came out of nowhere."

"It worried us," Yoongi said simply.

Jungkook glanced at him, but Yoongi didn't look at him or elaborate on those three words.

"Who is she?"

Namjoon's voice pulled Jungkook's gaze back to the leader. He sighed as he folded his hands together, looking down at his fingers locking.

"She's someone who came to the London concert," Jungkook started explaining. In the back of his mind, he recalled what he had told Sehun; that she was someone he met online. But that had been a flat out lie. He couldn't use that story with his bandmembers. They would see right through it. But he couldn't tell the full truth either.

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