Chapter 64

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It was exactly 6PM when a knock sounded at my door.

Slightly nervous, I glanced at myself in the full length mirror; a final check on the outfit Hye-Jin had convinced me to buy.

She'd been right; it did look beautiful on me, but it wasn't anything I'd ever buy for myself. It was more revealing than I'd ever worn before. Could I really pull this off?

Hye-Jin had convinced me I could, that my body type was perfect for this outfit and that the curves it showed added to the sexiness. Something, JK would definitely like, Hye-Jin had promised. Was that why I had bought the outfit? Because I wanted to please JK?

My heartrate spiked at the implications of that thought.

A second knock reminded me that there was still someone at the door, so I rushed over and opened it, not knowing who it was but sure that it wouldn't be JK or any of the other members.

Sehun's eyes widened as he looked at me. His eyes went up and down, before blinking and settling on my eyes. "Are you ready?" he asked, his voice slightly higher than usual. He scraped his voice, and I withheld the chuckle that had formed inside my chest.

Apparently my outfit seemed to affect him, too.

It made me wonder what effect it would have on Jungkook, but more so, it made me wonder if I was ready for that response from the man who'd stolen my heart. If it would be similar to the look Sehun gave me the moment I'd opened the door, I was sure my heart would skip several beats.

"I'm just going to grab my bag real quick," I told Sehun, then rushed back inside.

Glancing around the room, several outfits sprawled across my bed and couch, I shook my head and grinned. Even though I'd bought this outfit for tonight, my doubts had convinced me to try on other outfits in the hour before Sehun showed up.

Hye-Jin and I had been shopping for three hours before she had to leave to get to work and I continued shopping for another hour, just to make sure I'd find the perfect outfit. Of course, the outfit Hye-Jin had convinced me to buy, turned out to be the one I would wear. Still, when it came to clothes, I liked having options.

Turning around, I walked out of the room. "I'm ready," I told Sehun and closed the door behind me.

We took the elevator down to the ground floor, and Sehun held up his hand to let me exit first. As we approached the hotel entrance, a lot of people came in. Sehun walked beside me, his arm slightly raised in front of me as we passed the group.

My chest swelled up a little because Sehun's little gesture gave me the feeling of being important and protected.

I noticed a few people looking my way, some with a frown on their face as though they were thinking hard about something. It made me imagine that maybe they recognized Sehun from being in BTS' staff, but they couldn't quite put their finger on it because, instead of BTS, he was with me.

Would this be the feeling BTS had every time they came out in public? This heightened sense of 'will people recognize me?'

I glanced at Sehun. His posture stoic, his gaze fully concentrated and aware of his surroundings and it dawned on me how easy it would be for celebrities to fall in love with their bodyguards. The man was present, protective and strong.

Yet, in my vision of being a celebrity, protected by their bodyguard, Sehun's face changed into that of JK and only then did my heart skip a beat.

As we came outside, a cold breeze hit my face, waking me up from the daydream. I inhaled swiftly, taking in the cold and instantly remembered having left my coat in my room. The changing into several outfits mode I'd been in this past hour, had left me feeling warm so I didn't even miss my coat until now.

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