Chapter 17

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Jungkook suppressed a yawn as Jimin placed his arms around him. "Are you okay?" he whispered.

Jungkook nodded. He rolled his shoulders trying to loosen them up. Falling asleep on the leather couch, still sweating from the rehearsals, hadn't been the best idea.

Jimin noticed the movement and instantly started massaging him. "You're a bit stiff."

Jungkook didn't say anything. He was too tired to get into a conversation about how he felt. He wanted to get himself ready for the concert, both mentally and physically.

After being woken up by one of the staff members, he'd tried to get something to eat, but he just wasn't hungry. Even worse, the smell of the food made him feel nauseous, so, he was careful not to show it.

Seeing how both RM and Jin had kept their eye on him, he had tried to get something down but it was more like playing with his food than actually eating it.

Aside from Jimin, RM had also asked him if he was okay. "I'm fine," he had replied without thinking about it. It annoyed him though because he knew the real answer was different than what he told them.

RM had accepted it, turning his attention to Jungkook's plate. "You need to eat something," he had said. "You can't perform on an empty stomach."

Of course, RM had been right and so, Jungkook had tried to eat some rice and vegetables, but stayed away from the meat.

Jimin's hand movement brought Jungkook out of his thoughts. "I think tomorrow might be a good day to get a massage," he said as his hand went up to the back of his neck. "I'm thinking I'll arrange one. Shall I arrange one for you, too?"

"I'll decide tomorrow," Jungkook responded as he noticed movement from the other band members, who all started walking towards the stage. "Let's first get through this concert."

Jimin clenched his jaw at the youngest' remark. 'Get through the concert' wasn't typical Jungkook language. There is definitely something up with him, and I don't like it one bit.

Tae appeared next to him and wrapped his arm around him. "Jimin, let's go meet ARMY! You're up for it?"

Jimin forced a smile. "Of course! Let's go!"


Jungkook knew the songs and their dance routines by heart. He could do them with his eyes closed and no one would even notice a mistake. There was no way today would've been any differently... though there was the matter of his pounding headache.

During the last song, he'd given everything and tried to push the headache away. For a moment, it had succeeded and he could enjoy ARMY's cheers when they did their famous dance routine of 'Bapsae'.

But now that they were at the stage where they would talk to ARMY, his headache had returned with full force. It was the final bit of the concert. After this, they only had one more song to perform.

You can do this. Come on. Stay strong.

As he pressed his sunglasses further up the bridge of his nose, his eyes glanced at the crowd. Rows of people all seemed to merge into one blur. A light blinked and pulled his attention. He turned to look. The girl holding it started screaming something, but her voice joined together with the sounds in the stadium, so he couldn't hear what she was saying.

He tried a smile and turned to the other side of the stage. He glanced over the first row of people, some holding a sign, others waving at him. But there was one girl who didn't do either.

His gaze focused on her. She just stood there, with a soft smile plastered on her face.

Without even realizing he had started moving towards her, she came closer into view. A girl next to her started screaming at him, trying to get his attention, but he couldn't look away. What was it about this girl that he could only focus on her?


Tae's voice sounded far away, as if he was in a different room.

"Ah, JK is mesmerized by ARMY," Jin joked, as he wrapped his arm tightly around Jungkook. The crowd responded with laughter, even more so when Jungkook's confused look appeared on the big screen.

Jungkook frowned and turned to look at Jin questioningly. "What?"

"Your turn, bro. What are your final words to ARMY?"

Even though Jin was smiling brightly, his eyes told Jungkook something else: He was worried.

Jungkook's thoughts started racing. His final words. What would he say? Had he prepared some words? He must've thought of something before coming onto the stage? Why was everything such a blur in this moment?

Then one thought popped up: Be professional.

A smile appeared on his face and he pushed Jin away in a playful manner. "Ah, aren't you ever mesmerized by ARMY?" he asked and then turned to the crowd. "Aren't they some of the most beautiful people you've ever seen?"

The crowd started cheering, giving Jungkook time to think of what to say next. It was their only concert in London. He could say something about that. He loved being in this country. He could say something about that.

As ideas started pouring in, Jungkook waited until the crowd's cheers died down before giving his final words.

Behind him, Jimin and Jin looked at each other. Jin gave a small shrug and Jimin gave a quick nod in reply. RM stood next to them, his eyes fixated on the youngest member, specifically his right arm. A slight tremble caused it to move every once in a while.

Whatever was causing that, he would make sure that it would be checked out by one of their medical staff, as soon as they left the stage.

One more song. 


Author's note

Things are about to spiral out of control! Are you ready for this? Really ready? I'm nervous just thinking about what will happen next! 

So, let's just take a deep breath, check our vitals and then... jump to the next chapter to continue reading! 

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