Chapter 79

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Jungkook had his eyes closed, though he wasn't sleeping. It had been two hours since they had... Just remembering it, made him go through all the emotions again.

Most of the time, he'd been inside her body, experiencing sex inside a female body. But there had been two moments where they'd briefly switched back into their own bodies. He'd naturally gone from being the one below, to the one on top, and back again. He wasn't sure about her, but he hadn't been able to stop doing what he was doing. At that moment he just wanted to see this through to the end.

And so, it ended with his soul inside her body again. Funnily enough, it hadn't phased him. He didn't feel annoyed by not ending inside his own body, or regret not stopping when he was himself again. There was this sense of knowing that if they could switch back this easily, they could do it again.

The thought of repeating the last few hours, erupted a whole bunch of butterflies inside his stomach.

The way she knew how to master his needs, her fingers caressing just the right places... It still made him shiver when he thought about it. Experiencing an orgasm inside her body had made him feel both jealous and hungry for more. Wave after wave had hit him. It seemed even more intense than the climaxes he had reached inside his own body.

He wondered how she had experienced everything being inside his body. If she had the same feeling, being jealous and hungry for more. Of maybe disappointed, because it was so different and perhaps less intense.

But he was in awe of how she had taken charge. He expected her to be more reluctant, even timid. He liked that she surprised him that way, and it made him want her even more.

Her arm pressed against his shoulder, pulling him a little closer. He opened his eyes, looking up at her as he lay on her chest inside the comfort of her arms. Her breathing was deep and slow, indicating she was sleeping.

A faint smile touched his lips. He felt safe here, inside her arms. Was this the feeling of security he'd heard about? Girls wanting to feel safe and secure with their partner?

He could imagine this was it. This sense of ease. This feeling of trust and comfort between them.

It was funny how at ease he was being inside her body now. Of course, he wanted to go back to his own life and inside his own body but for now, this was fine.

He took a deep breath, snuggled a little closer against her, and closed his eyes. Sleepiness took over quickly and soon he himself was deep asleep.


It was the knock on his door, followed by a familiar voice, that awoke him. "JK!" Jimin called out. "Are you decent? Can I come in?"

"Yeah!" he called back, instantly alert that this wasn't his own voice. Quickly, he sat upright, waking her up, too, and said with a darker voice, "I mean... No, wait!"

"What are you doing?" she said as she leaned on her elbows. With squinting eyes and her hair ruffled, she seemed too sleepy to realize what had happened and who was standing in front of the door right now.

"Jimin's at the door."

She blinked a few times, processing his message, then jumped up and rolled off the bed. "Ouch!" came from the ground.

Had the situation been different, Jungkook would've laughed, but right now all he could think about were the facts that he was with her, they were both half naked, and Jimin was about to find out and connect the dots on what had happened here.

She scrambled to her feet, grabbing her own fitted t-shirt and trying to put it on.

"No, that's mine!" Jungkook said, taking the shirt from her and handing her his jeans. "Here."

"Oh! Right!" She quickly put it on as Jungkook grabbed her pants and pointed at the bathroom.

"I'll go hide in there. You talk to Jimin."

Her eyes widened. "What should I tell him?"

"You just woke up. You slept the whole time. Make sure he won't come inside," Jungkook said, before disappearing inside the bathroom.

His breathing was ragged, so he pressed his hand in front of his mouth and forced himself to slow down. She could do this. She just needed to calm herself down, too.

Another knock on the door. "JK?"

"I'm coming!" he heard her say as he pressed his ear against the door.

It took a few more seconds but then he heard the door open.

"I was about to come in," Jimin said. "What took you so long?"

"I was in bed. You woke me up. I had to get a few clothes on."

Jimin chuckled. "Sleeping in the nude, are we?"

"Stop it."

There was an edge to her voice. Jungkook could hear it clearly. Calm down, girl. You got this.

"I was just coming to check how you are doing. Heard from Tae you'd been sleeping for the whole ride from the radio station to the hotel."


"So, I wanted to come see if you had a good rest and perhaps wanted to join us for dinner? It'll be quick, since we need to leave for the airport straight after," Jimin continued. "Also, I was planning to go to your friend's room and see if she wanted to join us-"

"No!" she called out. "I mean, yeah sure, I'll come. But I'll go ask her, okay?"

"Well sure, but you don't need to worry. We met her this morning right? She's nice. We'll behave. You have nothing to worry about."

Jungkook frowned at Jimin's words. What does that even mean? Right now, he would've given almost anything to see Jimin's face. It would've told him Jimin's intention straight away.

"I'm not worried," he heard her say confidently. "It's just that us all together can be a bit overwhelming and I don't know how her day has been already. So, I need to check with her first."

"You do that." Jimin chuckled. "You really like that girl don't you?"

Her response was too soft for Jungkook to hear properly, even though he was pressing his ear hard against the door.

"Okay, I'm off then. Let's meet in ten minutes in the common room. Dinner will be served by then, so you can just join then."

The door closed and Jungkook counted to ten to make sure she was really alone in the room, before opening the door.

A bit of sweat was dripping along the side of her face as she looked at him sheepishly. "You want to have dinner with the guys?"


Author's note

Pfew... So, that happened! 

I couldn't just post one chapter. Wouldn't want to leave you guys hanging like that. But I am feeling a little shy about these past two chapters. Hopefully, I did the story justice, adding this. I felt I had to. It seemed only natural, but still... I hadn't planned on it when I started writing. LOL. I guess the Writer in me thought differently!

Now, I'll quickly write further. Things are heading towards the ending. Are you ready? I don't think I am, but this story needs a satisfying ending. It deserves it!

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