Chapter 48

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All three of them gasped as Jungkook revealed his identity.

I held my breath, waiting for them to start acting like the fans they were. I'd seen how they behaved at the airport when I first met them. These girls were the kind to start shouting, screaming and running after their idols. So, I had my hands wrapped around Jungkook's arm, ready to pull him away and start running once the shouting and screaming started.

Jungkook's face was dead calm. He seemed completely opposite as me in this moment. Only his eyes and the look he gave them said something else.

I didn't know why I found his demeanor both frightening and breathtakingly handsome at the same time. But I did know that this wasn't the first time he stirred up this confusion in me. The duality of Jungkook was something that had me twisting and turning ever since I first saw him.

The confident, sexy man on stage versus the shy, cute but playful young man in shows like Run BTS and In The Soop.

"What makes it okay for you to harass others like this?"

Jungkook's voice broke the silent stares and open jaws of the three women who stood before us. Amber, the redhead, started stuttering incoherent words and I couldn't help but feel a hint of satisfaction seeing her act this way.

Jungkook turned to face me. "Let's go, babe."


He placed the facemask back on his face, pulled his cap a little further to cover his eyes and started walking away.

"I'm sorry!"

A sudden jolt made him stop and turn again.

I didn't know what happened, but as I turned also, I could see Amber's hands wrapped around Jungkook's elbow.

"I didn't mean to offend you. I'm sorry if I did. You are my love, my everything. I would never do anything to offend you. I-"

"Can you let me go?" Jungkook's cold voice made him stop her rambling. Her eyes were huge as she stared at him.

His eyes darted toward his elbow and then up at her again, giving the clear signal what he wanted her to do.

Her hands let go as quick as if she'd burned herself on something. "Oh! Of course! I'm sorry!" she said hastily. "But can I please explain myself? Can you please give me a minute for that?"

Jungkook turned around and as he did, my hand slid from his arm. Without looking at me, his hand grabbed mine, pulling me closer and wrapping my arm around his once more, securing it in place, by placing his hand on top.

He pulled off his facemask once more, but kept his cap low over his eyes. "Sure. I'm listening."

Frantically, Amber looked at the two women behind her almost as though she needed input on what to say to explain her behavior.

"It's just that we've seen her before. I thought she was the crazy kind of fan, JK. I was only trying to protect you, because you've already dealt with so many Saesangs-"

"Why did you think she was the crazy kind?"

Amber blinked. "W-well, because she followed you here and I-"

"You're here also."

"Yeah, but that's different-"


"Well, I'm here to make sure people like her don't get close to you-"

"What makes you qualified to do that?"

My heart swelled up as I heard Jungkook take control of the conversation. The way he constantly interrupted her and challenged her to explain herself, but in reality she wouldn't be able to do so. She was here, just like I was. But the difference was that unlike her, I was invited to come here. She didn't know that and I wondered if Jungkook would tell her that.

Amber couldn't make a clear excuse as to why she thought she was qualified to identify Saesangs and make sure they wouldn't get close to BTS. She kept saying she was real ARMY and that was something a real ARMY did.

Jungkook held up his hand at her. "Real ARMY don't attack other ARMY," he said, cutting her off once more. "And please don't assume about others before being completely sure. There is never a good reason that will condone violence and bullying and I can't imagine that you think there are exceptions to that."

"I don't," Amber whispered exasperatedly. "I think I just got carried away."

"I think so too. ARMY can be passionate, and that is good, but please make sure you use that passion for good, okay?"

Amber glanced up at him.

He tried a smile but I could tell he was forcing himself. This was the idol life; trying to stay kind even when inside you're boiling with different emotions.

Watching Amber's face, I could see the relief wash over her. "Thank you for hearing me out. I do really admire you and love you, and I never wanted to make you feel bad or do anything that might upset you. I'm sorry if I did."

"We've talked about it. Now, let's let it rest."

"Yes, yes, of course. Can I ask one thing though?"


"Can I take a picture with you?" Amber looked hopeful as she held up her phone.

I rolled my eyes but managed to turn away before anyone would notice. The audacity of this woman. Of course, JK would say yes. He was a professional and-

"There is no time unfortunately. I need to be somewhere right now. Can I trust you to let us leave silently?"

I felt a hint of joy inside my chest as I watched the hope disappear from Amber's face. Instantly, guilt attacked me. Why was I being so nasty about it? Even if Amber had been a complete ass, I didn't need to act the same.

Without even deciding to, I pulled on Jungkook's jacket and whispered something in his ear so only he could hear. "Take the photo, it's okay."

Jungkook turned to look at me, his eyes undoubtedly trying to decipher my sincerity. Though there was a coldness in his eyes that made me cringe a little. He slowly shook his head and turned back to Amber.

"We'll go now, okay?"

Amber and her two friends didn't respond and just watched as Jungkook placed the facemask back on his face, took my hand in his and pulled me along as we walked away.

I glanced over my shoulder at them, trying to decipher if the scream and follow routine would kick in, but they looked too stunned to even move.

Jungkook didn't say anything as we made our way through the airport and out into the street where several cabs were waiting for clients to take them to their destinations. He kept his eyes straight forward, not making eye contact with anyone, while I was full aware of the possibility that anyone might recognize him and the adjoining fear of what we would do if that happened.

Partially expecting to jump into one of the cabs, I was surprised to see Jungkook briskly walk past all of them with no intention to get into any of them.

We turned around a corner, where a dark van drove up and Jungkook held up his hand to stop it.

When the door slid open, a big man wearing sun glasses stepped out. "What the hell, JK?" He placed his arm around JK's shoulder, pushing himself between me and JK with the intention to push JK into the van.

"Hold on," Jungkook said, as he pulled me closer. "She's coming too."

The man turned to face me with confusion written on his face. Then he leaned towards Jungkook, whispering: "You know we have rules for these sorts of situations..."

Jungkook shook his head, silencing the man. "This is an exception. Now, please, let's just go before anyone finds out I'm here."

The man looked around and sighed in defeat. "Fine." He placed his hands behind both Jungkook and me, and pushed us gently into the van. "Let's go."


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