Chapter 29

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As Jungkook expected, the doctor had asked him to do a few tests. "We need to measure your current heart's condition," he had told him, "before we can talk about you being released."

Jungkook hadn't been worried about tests. He had a great condition so those tests would work out just fine.

But that mindset changed once he was subjected to the tests in the body of a woman who clearly had no condition whatsoever. Within a minute, Jungkook was panting and sweating. Even though the doctor had told him several times to slow down, it was hard for Jungkook to actually do that. He was so used to giving 200% while exercising that being in a body that seemingly hadn't been working out to that standard, was hard to adjust to.

After the tests, they sat at the doctor's desk where he jotted down some notes on his note bloc.

"I don't understand why my condition is this bad." Resentment had seeped into Jungkook's words. Why had he been given a body like this to inhabit? What if this body was the reason why he couldn't be released from the hospital soon?

"Worse than you expected, given your disadvantages?" the doctor asked in surprise as Jungkook came to sit across from him at his desk.

"Disadvantages?" Jungkook frowned and guilt for voicing his disapproval slowly started to creep up inside him.

The doctor held up a piece of paper. "When you were admitted, your friend filled out some paperwork. It says here that your health is good, though you have certain conditions that make it harder to get fit."

"Like what?"

Jungkook only realized how strange that question was when he saw the doctor tilting his head. "You don't know?"

"I-I just want to make sure that what my friend jotted down is in fact the truth," he quickly corrected himself.

The doctor glanced at the piece of paper in his hand. "It says here you have a condition called hypermobility, which means your joints are extremely flexible, but also very prone to injuries." He glanced up at Jungkook. "That's why you can't push yourself too much."

Jungkook bit his lip. "And why the tests failed?"

"The tests didn't fail. We just need to keep it to a different standard." The doctor folded his hands on the desk. "Look, from what I've heard from your friend you're doing all the right things; exercising regularly, eating healthy and taking proper rest. The fact that you're condition right now isn't as you expected is really due to the strain your heart's been under. So, there's no need for disappointment. Considering what you have to work with, you did just fine."

That made Jungkook feel a little better.

"Look, we can't choose what we're given when we're born," the doctor continued, seemingly wanting to make Jungkook feel better. "You were given this condition, but you're working with it the best way you can. Focus on that."

Jungkook nodded. "I'm sorry. It's just hard when my mind wants something different than this body is able to allow."

That made the doctor smile. "It can be a lifelong battle getting those two in balance, yes. But please be kind to yourself in the process, okay? You look and are perfectly fine just the way you are."

Jungkook glanced at the doctor. His eyes were kind but the way he spoke sent a shiver down Jungkook's neck. Was this the way men spoke to women? It sounded nice, but there was something underlying in the doctor's words that didn't sit well with Jungkook.

As the doctor glanced at his papers and continued writing, Jungkook decided it was best to pick and choose his battles. Right now he only had one goal: getting released from the hospital. "So, when will I be released?"

The doctor looked up from his papers. "I have to discuss something with another doctor, and perhaps we need to do some further testing," he said. "So, let's first see how today goes and talk about that tomorrow, okay?"

Jungkook sighed. "I feel fine though. If I take it really easy, I don't see an issue in leaving."

"I can't hold you here against your will, but I strongly advise against leaving right now. You just woke up from a 3 day slumber after heart failure. If you leave before you are medically cleared than everything that happens while outside of our care might not be covered by your insurance."

Realizing he had to take care of this body while he inhabited it, Jungkook nodded slowly. "But I do hope tomorrow you'll have good news and I can be officially released."

"We'll see." The doctor rose from his seat and pointed at the wheelchair in the corner of his office. "Come, I'll take you back to your room. I'm sure your friend is waiting there for you."

When Jungkook returned to his room, he was met with silence though he did find a note on his pillow from the woman who was now considered his best, and only, friend.

'I might've found a way to figure out part 2 of our plan. Will come back as soon as possible. Get some rest in the meantime!' it said.

Jungkook sighed as he laid down and closed his eyes. Impatience was brewing inside him, but he knew he had to keep calm even if everything in him wanted to find his band mates and bring everything back to normal.

A lump formed inside his throat as he laid there, thinking about all the possible ways this could go wrong. What if he was forced to stay in this hospital longer than tomorrow? What if he couldn't find his band mates? What if he was stuck in this body forever?

And somewhere in between his worried thoughts, a clear realization hit that he wasn't alone. Somewhere, here in London, a woman was in the exact same situation as him. She probably felt just as alone and anxious as he did.

He recalled her face in the memory of when he watched himself in the mirror. Let's make a promise to each other. Whatever happens, we will find each other and sort this out. 


Author's note

How would you respond when you're in a body that's so different than yours?

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