His eyes met mine

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I was ready to have my world ripped away from me. I was ready for my life to be changed by him, of course I didn't know it at the time but I was ready for it.... all of it. I was ready to have my every thought, every breath, every craving change just for him. So this wouldn't be like your every love story this one is actually real, see most couples would fight and do terrible shit to each other yet still try to convince everyone that that shit was love.....true love. Well I'm here to tell you our story. Unlike the rest of fairytale fucked up stories ours is completely different it's about a woman who dreams about a different life and a man who was raised to feel nothing inside, somehow they find something in common and complete each other or in other words a hold two people have on each other and no matter what happens they always seem to make it back to each other. But I'll stop bragging, I'll tell you what you really came here for, but on a side note you must know that not every story you read ends with a happily ever after.


The taste of vengeance never burned this much....I mean what's stopping me from jumping across this counter and choking the life out of this dud woman. Her weak extensions doesn't hide the fact that she's so mean and wicked. From her smug smirk I can tell she likes getting people like me in trouble, the shabby haircut she was given says she's a Karen and her thin ass fingers indicate that no man would ever bother to marry a mess of a woman such as herself.

"Excuse me"

"Hm?", my thoughts of killing this woman gets interrupted.

"Did you put milk in this?"

"Did you order milk?"

Her eyes widen and I hear my boss cough in the far corner. I need to contain my temper I'm already on thin ice and I need this shitty job anyway. How else am I going to pay my expensive ass rent. I scoff and glance at the woman before putting on the fakest smile I'm used to. She better tip me.

"No ma'am there isn't any milk in that"

"I'm tasting milk"

I watch as the chubby woman sips from the paper cup before tapping her tongue against her teeth. What the fuck has my life come to? I dropped out of college just for this shit.

"Well if you go back there I'll make sure Cami makes you a new one. Your starting to hold up the line", I try to say in a calm tone.

"That's the least you could do", she spits.

I clench my jaw as she drops a few quarters In my tip jar before disappearing. I was this close to stabbing her with a straw. I take a deep sigh as the line continues. Once again I clear the computer screen as I'm about to take another order.

This shit again

"Welcome to Kung Fu Coffee how may I take your order?"

"Black coffee"

I glance up and roll my eyes. As if we don't get enough of creeps this guy is dressed in black from head to toe. I can see up the black ink peaking out from his neck and his hair is swept to the side. His eyes of salt are focused on the menu behind me and I type in his order as quickly as I can. My shift is over in few minutes and I don't have time to deal with anyone's shit. I can't explain how many times Mafia knockoffs came in here to flirt with me.

I especially loved the time last week when one of them told me he had a private jet then I saw the idiot run off to his jalopy. Every time he shows his face the girls and I can't help but make fun of him. I guess there are some things I like about being a barista. The entertainment here is phenomenal, we've had four proposals, ten people getting caught cheating and three fights. Obviously after laughing my ass off then I decided to part the fights. When he isn't watching I take a quick glance at the dude again. He's tall as fuck and the Rolex on his wrist costs more than my entire life savings. The ink on his hands are slightly attractive, these knockoffs are really pushing there luck. I mean if I was new I'd think he actually worked in the Mafia.

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