I cannot but I can

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Enzo's POV

My throat burns and I think my arm is catching a cramp. Slowly my eyes open and a yawn falls from my lips, the empty ceiling is all I see and I remember I have work this afternoon. It's only Sunday and I'm prepared for the week full of suits. My head falls to the side and I notice Ivy clinging to my chest. I'm not really a fan of cuddling but I'll let her be. I watch as her chest rises and falls and slow breathes escape her mouth. She's a beauty when she sleeps and her curls dangle from her forehead.

I push the small strand away from her face that causes her to flutter a little. She groans and turns to lay on her back, well it was fine while it lasted. I sit up from bed and head to the bathroom, hopefully no one else in this nosy family will see when she leaves my room. A groan falls from my lips as I march across the room to the bathroom. As I past a mirror I notice my messy hair and shut the door in behind me.

After I'm finished I pad back to the bed and surprisingly Ivy is already up. She's laying on her side whilst blinking slow as she stares at me. I sit on the bed and glance down at her.

"Your up"

"Do you want to hook up with me or something?"

My eyebrows crease and I wonder what she means by that. I laugh and hear her huff as she sits up.

"Why would I want to hook up with you?"

"Because you kissed me and pinned me to your chest all night"


I glance down at my knuckles they still haven't healed thanks to me punching that prisoner yesterday. They've now turned purple and the sting from them are starting to hurt. I shift my focus back to her. She's sitting up with her eyes on the window in the roof and her arms wrapped around her knees.

"I need to know if there's something going on between us because I can't date anyone if my fiance has a crush on me"

I don't think I'd call it a crush, I think she's funny and annoying when she wants to be but somehow in my corrupted mind I find her pleasing and I never like most people but I want her around me.

"I ensure you there's nothing going on between us", I find myself saying.

"Are you sure?"




I lean in towards her, she doesn't realize it but I kiss her before getting up and leaving the room. Completely forgetting the conversation we just had she groans whilst my hand is already wrapped around the door knob.

"You can't do that", she whines by the time I'm already out into the hall.


"Is it stupid?"

"Obviously it is"

Eva and Jade argue about something that I pay no mind to. Its already 11am and I already showered yet I'm bored. Enzo and Titus left for work awhile ago and I have no one to talk to. I don't feeling like leaving the house or watching TV.

Just sitting on the window sill with the boiling sun burning my arm feels like the right thing. Jay hasn't answered my texts and already I can tell this is going to be a boring Sunday. A crazy idea pops into my head and I wonder if I should go through with it. I turn to Eva and Jade before asking.

 I turn to Eva and Jade before asking

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