Everything I wanted

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Songs for this chapter are;

Camila Cabello- Used to this

Camila Cabello- Dream of you

Camila Cabello- Easy

Camila Cabello- Feel it twice

Grover Washington- Just the two of us

Enzo POV

A gush of wind floods through the already cold car and I quickly wind up the windows. It's freezing out and I feel good about my choice of clothes, the sky is cloudy grey and it seems it'll rain later on tonight. I side eye Ivy, she's been silent too silent for my liking during the course of the drive. I didn't know she'd be this miserable about leaving Paris. We can visit some other time and I'd like it if she and I can have some privacy. Just seven days to ourselves.

As soon as we get back to Moscow I'll be drowning in work and I'm not sure when we'll be able to spend some quality time like this together. The heater gets turned on and she crosses her arms whilst staring out the window full of trees. The ride has been long way too long in silence and I wonder what's on her mind.

I haven't heard anything about Atlas or the Chadwicks and I'm worried. Titus has barely been in contact with me and I'm positive the idiots dead. My grip on the steering wheel tightens and a scoff leaves Ivy's plump lips.

"How much longer is your house from here?"

"Just a few more minutes further"

"So it's a cabin?"

"Yes. No guards no people just you and me", I say but it sounded less creepier in my head.

"I've never seen you without guards before", her grey eyes face mine,"your house is filled with guns isn't it?"

"What makes you think I wouldn't have guns in any of my houses?"

"You have more guns than all those action movies combined"

I laugh

"Speaking of, how many houses do you have?", she asks.

"At least 23", I think, including the one we're driving to and the one we live in.

I'm a very wealthy man that likes property. Buying land makes me more billions.

"And you have quite the few properties in different countries am I right?"

"Yes but it'll be 24 since I'll be purchasing a house in Manhattan"

"Can I help you choose when you do?"

I raise a brow at her before glancing at her. Why would she want to buy a house together?

"Sure......", my response is long and confused but she doesn't seem to notice it.

"Which is your favorite out of all your houses?"

Out of all the houses I'd say the beach house in Hawaii has the biggest living room whilst the mansion in California has the widest rooms and the condo in Italy has the tastiest wine bar and I suppose the cabin has the largest kitchen.

"The Cabin"


In the distance the tall dark wood house comes into view. The tinted glass windows reflects the car lights back on the car as we park and I take the keys from the ignition. I lean back into my seat and Ivy unbuckles her seat beat. I watch as her eyes go wide as she stares at the tall cabin. It's more of a mansion made of wood than a cabin but whatever. The exquisite house cost a lot but it was worth every cent.

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